Writing Hits: Get even with scammers

Discussion in 'General' started by BMW-M3, Mar 16, 2012.

  1. BMW-M3

    BMW-M3 User

    Ever experienced a situation wherein a requester takes away your article and rejects your hits? If yes, its time you get even with them

    Create a blog for yourself. Try blogger.com, its free.You can sign in using your gmail. If the requester rejects your hit, just publish your article in your own blog. In that way, the article won't be unique!

    Its just a crude idea I have come up with. Suggestions are welcome to improve upon the idea.
  2. carebear

    carebear Guest

    Not all writing hits are scams. I do editing for John Gaddy every day and reject stuff every day for bad English or irrelevant content. Some writing Hits are lucrative provided you follow directions.
  3. fly

    fly Active Member

    ..and file a DMCA complaint or county-equivalent against them.
  4. appuceles

    appuceles Active Member

    I seldom gets writing HITs rejected. To be precise, only 1 time. I'll recommend you some sites like freelancer, if you are really good at writing..Better pay and much more topics to write..
  5. BMW-M3

    BMW-M3 User

    I am not generalizing. There are numerous instances of people stealing work. I tend to agree with you though. Fortunately, my English is good and I have never had any rejections in writing hits(touch wood).

    Lol, I would love to do that.
    I write if I am familiar with the topic. Else I return it. Most of my hit returns are writing related.
  6. spamgirl

    spamgirl Member

    section 3d
  7. lphillips1

    lphillips1 Banned

    Blog until the cows come home. Unless you can make money through the right kind of search engine optimization techniques and advertising revenue, you can blog all damn day long. That wont create any kind of revenue unless you know how to blog.

    I never had an article pulled, stolen or rejected. My work is just fine. The only thing that happened to me is my friend Spamgirl blocked me from the forum. It came out of left field and I was genuinely hurt by that move.

    Fortunately, I have some friends who know what kind of person I am, and I would never hurt anyone, and that I would only try to help. They have stood by my side during this very troubling time.

    I will lend a hand in this forum whenever I can, which includes learning a bit about SEO and web copy before merely signing up for a blogger.com account. Takes time, lots of time, to make money through blogging.

    Good luck.
  8. appuceles

    appuceles Active Member

    But still there is a problem...If a copyscape check is done and our blog is caught, things will get worse.. And if you use adsense, it can get worser..
  9. Khalinov

    Khalinov User

    You have a lot of nerve.

    You throw all these people off your own board, and then come over here to offer your advice. Hypocrisy much?

    if you want to give these people the benefit of your boundless wisdom, open your forum for all Turkers instead of your little clique. Elsewise, you should STFU and go back into your hole.
  10. appuceles

    appuceles Active Member

    Well said Khalinov!!!!!!!!!!
    She banned me too!
    Andy, Ban her from the forum!
  11. Khalinov

    Khalinov User

    No one asked you to ban anyone. I was calling out spamgirl for being a hypocrite in the hope that she will police herself.

    spamgirl: if you really want to dispense your advice, open your board up. Elsewise, it is in extremely poor taste for you to post here when so many here are people you have shitcanned from your own little fiefdom.
  12. Khalinov

    Khalinov User

    I stand corrected.

    I did not ask you.

    But I stand by everything else I said.
  13. BMW-M3

    BMW-M3 User

    Like to Khalinov's post :D. In my short stay here, I have taken a liking for him. I actually look forward for his posts :p
  14. appuceles

    appuceles Active Member


    dont get messed up guys!

    It was just a comment!

  15. Andy

    Andy Administrator Staff Member

    Comon' guys. Let's aim for peace.

    Sure, TurkNat seems "exclusive" which makes it seem cool, so once you're banned it's like you can't sit at the cool lunch table anymore. Anger only feeds the egos of the administration over there.
  16. Khalinov

    Khalinov User

    This is not a “high school” thing, and you should not be trivializing it. They set up forums for specific requesters, represent themselves to those requesters as being Turker Nation and then purge out people who are not in the inner circle. It is blatantly dishonest.

    Kowtowing will do more to feed egos than anger.
  17. zinni

    zinni User

    Let's be cool, y'all. I don't see anything wrong with a "dual forum citizenship."

    If we want to have a good forum here, let's treat each other as we'd like to be treated.
  18. OldMilwaukee

    OldMilwaukee Banned

    I haven't been banned from TN but I have to agree with Khalinov on this point.

    While I wouldn't go as far as banning Spamgirl from this forum what I would do is have every comment she makes go through a 3 step moderation process. Maybe even automate it through Turk so others can judge her comments in a fair and democratic way.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 17, 2012
  19. Danthony

    Danthony User

    Dual forum citizenship?
    The only thing dual is the fact. They have a clsoed forum over there and if they see something good over here they take it.
    Karma is a bitch and so is Spazgirl
  20. Danthony

    Danthony User

    So much love here

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