Can't Find a Plethora of Good HITs? 6/27 Fruity Friday!

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by inzi, Jun 26, 2014.

  1. shootz

    shootz Milk Man

    this made me giggle from the CS cat batch

    Q: How large is Uranus?

    I feel like I'm 9 again xD
  2. I agree, I waited for like 10 minutes i had like 15 mins left on my hit so i just turned it in for 1 dollar since i figured i wouldn't have enough time to do it. Wish that timer was LONGER!
  3. I won three nights in a row then have lost like 4 nights in a row. :(
  4. It stands for Page Monitor; it's an extension for Chrome that will alert you if a specific web page changes. There's a different one for Firefox users; I can't recall what it is, and it works a little differently.
  5. bigone

    bigone User

    Lol, one of my people left in the middle of the experiemnt
  6. And there is no negative repercussion, like spam you know?
  7. grrr i keep missing the 9.80 bonus hit
  8. Bald

    Bald User

    Guys no offense but how in the world did it end up that low? I don't understand. Maybe each game was different and we didnt do the same one? Not asking anyone to post survey content. I wish you all would have gotten more

    edit: you must not have been able to get to the game?
  9. Morrisa

    Morrisa User

    I'm having so much trouble with that batch. I can't find categories for some of these crazy questions.
  10. D'oh. Didn't realize you could do more than one.
  11. bmth94

    bmth94 User

    $5.15 bonus! :D
  12. Butters

    Butters User

    Hey everyone! If you could please send pics of your boobs and/or general vaginal areas to me it would really help me get back on my feet!

    And there are almost no negative repercussions :)
  13. Butters

    Butters User

    I waited for 35 mins and kept adding two mins and no one would join it kept teetering between needing 2 and 3 people and when I had less than ten mins left I gave up and took my stupid dollar.
  14. Morrisa

    Morrisa User

  15. Anything for Butters!!!
  16. Oh....i played...

    Not going to say to much for content reasons

    I'm over it though
  17. [​IMG]
  18. Spear

    Spear User

    Maybe it was study on low timer versus big bonus?
  19. lilpuppy91

    lilpuppy91 User

    Oh, thank you! That must be how some people grab their favorite requesters to fast! I will study how to make use of this... and then... I will become rich.

  20. Jon Brelig is actually a long-term Harvard study on the effect of psychic abuse on the human mind.

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