Can't find great HITs? 6/19 Terrific Thursday where we all kinda bug Monica!

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by PavelDatsyuk, Jun 19, 2014.

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  1. bms00

    bms00 User

    Mandy Moore opened. =P
  2. cheevolver

    cheevolver User

  3. bms00

    bms00 User

  4. TrentTurks

    TrentTurks User

    Damn sounds like I missed a good day today.
  5. Monica

    Monica User

    i can't even.

  6. cheevolver

    cheevolver User

    On Mturk? like an error page?
  7. cheevolver

    cheevolver User

    either way the name of the requester is Trang.
  8. spensa

    spensa Member

    The link worked for me, but I think maybe the poster was talking about the "survey" being more of a potential signup for some kind of job-matching business.
  9. rickyson33

    rickyson33 User

    I mean it was a pretty decent day in general too but most of what I did today doesn't really have anything to do with today

    the $170 hits were yesterday(well technically I caught my 4th one this morning while I was sleeping but that's only because someone returned one)
  10. cheevolver

    cheevolver User

    yeah, that threw me off too, but it is legit. Just fill the first form, it doesn't ask for anything after. I seriously thought it was spammy too, but it isn't. Unless you don't want to give your email out... It does give a code though.
  11. bms00

    bms00 User

    OK got it from that thanks!
  12. Monica

    Monica User


    i love the "other" box on fb.
  13. Karamazov

    Karamazov User

  14. bms00

    bms00 User

    So in other words, you're getting married?
  15. TrentTurks

    TrentTurks User

    What were the $170 hits and how long did they take?
  16. Karamazov

    Karamazov User

    He's too prolix.
  17. TrentTurks

    TrentTurks User

    Title: Rate single web page content credibility
    Requester: Nana [A3S57KPYOP00RI] (TO)
    TO Ratings:
    4.63 Communicativity
    4.28 Generosity
    4.69 Fairness
    4.35 Promptness
    Number of Reviews: 30
    (Submit a new TO rating for this requester)

    Description: Help to improve credibility of a single web page! Evaluate web page and explain your method.
    Time: 60 minutes
    Reward: $0.35
    Qualifications: Location is not TH, Location is not RU, Location is not PK, Location is not IN, Location is not CN, HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 75
  18. rickyson33

    rickyson33 User

    hunting down a thousand academic email addresses and phone numbers

    time really depends on how fast you are and how lucky you get(different universities are easier to find than others) but probably like ~10-17 hours each thousand
  19. Bald

    Bald User

    No idea, havent touched anything other then a laptop in 10 years myself. Review I read said it was great when paired with the right setup.
  20. Apaullo

    Apaullo Multi Pennyaire

    Title: Categorize Tweets concerning Crisis Events
    Requester: Scott Appling [A216SGWGRV26OB] (TO)
    Description: Assess the different kinds of activities going on during a particular crisis according to social media.
    Reward: $0.05
    Qualifications: Total approved HITs is not less than 5000, HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 98, Location is US
    [size=-2]Powered by non-amazonian script monkeys [/size]​

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