Can't Find a Plethora of Good HITs? 6/18 Wonderfully Winning Wednesday

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by nanaki254, Jun 18, 2014.

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  1. Seriously. Just look at how much Project Endor pays us for our time (and that's just one Google-affiliated requester). Talk about a bad example to use...

    edit: I know they were talking about visiting Google's site as an average user and getting paid. But hopefully you still see the point I am making.
  2. Even when it comes to Mturk they do, the Endor and Gandolph hits have made us some serious bank
  3. Nah, I have specific fetishes. One of them obviously being BDSM, but the other one needs to be there too. I will admit Monica is very attractive tho. :p
  4. Tendrin

    Tendrin User

    Yeah, she is, and clearly okay with the attention or this would be weird and awkward.
  5. Wiggles

    Wiggles Popular Stranger

  6. EyeApps

    EyeApps User

    Thank you for actually responding. I appreciate it.

    Yes, for workers who make a living on AMT, our hits are probably not a great choice. For people who think our content is horrible, our hits are also probably not a good use of time. For people who do enjoy our hits and who'd rather make a some money doing something they like, they are a good use of time, which is why we have lots of people doing them.

    Someone made the point a few days ago that there's a tradeoff between how much we pay and how many great workers will do our hits. That's absolutely true. I think we're getting lots of good, honest workers now, which is why we keep coming back and posting batches. I think if we paid a quarter of what we paid, we'd get almost no ratings. And I think if we paid double what we paid, we'd get even more ratings from even more smart people and that would be awesome, except then we would very literally run out of money, so that wouldn't help anyone.
  7. She's a pretty lady, but she's gonna need to be wearing cat ears, a greasy Microsoft shirt, and reak of dorritos if she wants to get my gears going
  8. Monica

    Monica User


    i fap to all my own pictures.


  9. Let's not have a thread tomorrow.
  10. Tendrin

    Tendrin User

    Narcissus would be proud.
  11. I don't think raising your pay five cents is going to kill your wallet.
  12. Ryberg

    Ryberg User

    And I thought I had strange taste cause I want a girl to dress up with a Jabbawockiez mask. Not srs.
  13. Apaullo

    Apaullo Multi Pennyaire

  14. Karamazov

    Karamazov User

    he'd be too busy fapping to his re-creation selfie. Only he'd not block his nose with the phone, because Narcissus is all about his nose.
  15. Tendrin

    Tendrin User

    It's funnier because it's in front of a Waste Management logo.
  16. Monica

    Monica User

    i already told you pavel i'm not pissing on cam for you.
  17. Tendrin

    Tendrin User

    That was so not images I needed.
  18. Don't forget the fedora. She's gotta be wearing a fedora.
  19. Monica

    Monica User

    it is weird and awkward.

  20. Calebro

    Calebro Guest

    Maybe if EyeApps were to ditch the joke hits and do just porn hits,where you have to tell whether the images are

    straight porn:
    gay porn:
    animal porn:
    midget porn:
    granny porn:
    WTF? porn:
    foot porn: <<< for Monica ;)
    shoe porn:
    s & m porn:
    m&m porn:
    disgusting porn:
    awesome porn:
    and yes even funny porn:
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