Can't Find a Plethora of HITs? 6/7 Sensational Saturday!

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by nanaki254, Jun 7, 2014.

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  1. Thats what i get for a Saturday wake and bake
  2. inzi

    inzi User

    oh i see...
  3. lanone

    lanone User

    Same here, it felt like 15 min.
  4. andybass

    andybass User

    Dammit, I didn't think it would post this morning!!
  5. I had it on AA this morning and finally caught it. ;)

  6. Just finished the Heather Walters "Field Test" HIT, saw someone asked for time (sorry, couldn't find post to quote, I'm too tired+lazy lol). Took me ~1.5 hours to complete, though I split the sections between last night and this morning. It is set up really well for taking a break between things and coming back to it.
  7. Bella

    Bella User

    Morning peoples.

    Anything worth doing? Or should I actually get off my butt and clean my house?
  8. bmth94

    bmth94 User

    I just wish mine would approve :'[
  9. Kanna

    Kanna User

    I would lose internet just as songkick and the $15 hit post. Still no internet so it looks like I may lose out on this batch. FML.
  10. bms00

    bms00 User

  11. She has always approved in 5-7 days when I've done her HITs previously. Not sure if this will be any different since she noted in her posts on the forum that she is seeking a very large pool of responses.
  12. Nikki

    Nikki TOTM

  13. jmerrick

    jmerrick User

    NetMsi's up, pervos.
  14. inzi

    inzi User

    hahaha... liked dat....;)
  15. Title: Rating Video Clips of People
    Requester: Social and Nonverbal Behavior Lab [A2RIFO4AJIMSBP] (TO)
    TO Ratings:
    3.33 Communicativity
    3.00 Generosity
    4.00 Fairness
    2.20 Promptness
    Number of Reviews: 6
    (Submit a new TO rating for this requester)

    Description: You will be asked to give your opinion and answer some short questions about video clips depicting various people. You will also answer some personality and background questions. Participation should take about 45 minutes.
    Time: 4 hours
    Reward: $7.50
    Qualifications: SRLDetectionv1_b is not less than 50
  16. EyeApps

    EyeApps User

    Pulling a qualification *is* a soft block, at least that's what I meant when I said we do that. Losing a qualification does not hurt a worker's rating at all.
  17. We have dignity and self respect here you know....

    Now....where's my lotion?
  18. Nikki

    Nikki TOTM

  19. jmerrick

    jmerrick User

    I try to work the words 'dignity' and 'self-respect' into as many of the titles as I can.
  20. EyeApps

    EyeApps User

    I think the giant images come from reddit/imgur. There should be a way in your browser to shrink them so they fit on the screen... I think? In any case, we never reject anyone for not being able to view an image / an image not loading / etc.
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