NetMsi mass rejection

Discussion in 'Requesters' started by duivell, Nov 13, 2012.

  1. duivell

    duivell Member

    I've just got about 200 mass rejections(from 210 submissions 8 of them are pending,only 2 approved ! ) from NetMsi the reason they mentioned is that my responses are too similar. Now i absolutely think they are not , i watch the videos mention the performers name wherever available ,and i follow the instructions.I worked for about 800 of his hits and got only a about 12 hits rejected once and about 5 other time. Now i thought this requester is really good, he pays fair and his hits are very fun to work with. Anyway, i sent him a mail.Maybe he will reply maybe he will not.I'll post as soon as i get a reply. :(
  2. duivell

    duivell Member

    I just got a quick email saying :

    "I reviewed your rejected responses. Almost all of them start by describing the primary performer, and when those people are similar the first third of your titles will be the same. The lack of variety in sentence structure, combined with using the same terms to describe similar people led to many of your titles being very similar to each other"

    Anyway, i think it would have been better if i was not so sure of my creativity because of his 800 past approvals.
  3. Lori1985

    Lori1985 User

    I got a rude "warning" message from them for using the word Amateur too many times. They asked me in all caps DO YOU EVEN HAVE AN IMAGINATION? I don't know any other word to use for amateur videos though. LOL. Oh well, I'll just stay away from them. Not worth the .07. They did approve all of them though. I just thought they were a bit rude.
  4. duivell

    duivell Member

    I've seen a post somewhere about the mass rejections from NetMsi sometime ago , and the cost of not taking it as a warning is that my approval rating dropped from 98% to 85% . I'm a beginner and now I don't even think i will take working for long hours seriously.
  5. I've had a good experience with NetMSi, but I find that every requester has a down side here or there... It's all part of being in this rough, disposable work force.
  6. Lori1985

    Lori1985 User

    There's way too many great hits out there to let one user get you down! You can bring that up, even if it's just doing a crap load of Oscar Smith .01 hits.
  7. Apprentice, beginner, dabbler, inexperienced, rookie, newcomer. I'd say neophyte but I'm not sure anyone reading it would know what it meant.
  8. Khalinov

    Khalinov User

  9. Ahh thank you!
  10. naturegirl

    naturegirl User

    Also, "neighbor," "novice," "next-door," "sweet," "shy," "reluctant," and "innocent" all seem to have the right connotations---some more workable for certain vids than others.

    Only theoretically, of course. ;)
  11. Madhur

    Madhur User

    but are you able to login now ?..and how would someone hack it...I mean there are password which only you know about it..did you answered any personal information in any survey ??
  12. duivell

    duivell Member

    @Madhur , @deepudev465

    Have you even read the title of the Thread? Now, I'm not saying that i'm happy for your loss ..I'm just indifferent to it. So please post something relevant to the thread or better yet start your own thread.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 14, 2012
  13. duivell

    duivell Member

    And for 7 cent hits where the requester never really rejected you it's not practical either. It's simply not worth one's time . And for anybody concerned with the title, YES!, NetMsi does go random with rejections.
    I wish turkopticon had something like "Randomness" It would have been very helpful
  14. duivell

    duivell Member

    "Turkalicious" are you trying to be funny or something ? Because I don't think lori1985 meant it that way.
    And please start a new thread about the synonyms one can use with NetMsi that would be very helpful,
    I'll even add my contribution for the synonyms for "asshole" or words such as "troll"
  15. TurkinGal

    TurkinGal User

    I actually found Turkalicious' post to be helpful and not assholish at all.

    There's something you should know about Internet forums, too, and that is that just because you START a thread doesn't mean that you get to direct the direction in which it flows and the more you try, the more horribly off track things get.

    Also, by your own admission NetMSi emailed you back and TOLD you why they rejected you. It sounds like they had a valid reason to do so as they have been on THIS forum clearly explaining the work they accept and the work they won't. Your response from them fell right in line with what they have said before, which is that if your submissions lack creativity, you'll be rejected. Calling this a bunch of random nonsense is dishonest on your part and makes you look like you're in denial when you should be using this as a learning experience.

    Just my $.02.

  16. Madhur

    Madhur User

    I was not asking this question you duivell..but i agree with you(duivell) that if deepudev have questions that are different from this thread he must have posted it a new thread..anyways sorry for my side..
  17. duivell

    duivell Member

    don't worry mate , i was a little bit sad about my hits being rejected.sorry for being rash
  18. duivell

    duivell Member

    @ TurkinGal

    "There's something you should know about Internet forums, too, and that is that just because you START a thread doesn't mean that you get to direct the direction in which it flows and the more you try, the more horribly off track things get."

    It's was not a direction, it's a suggestion.And when anyone starts a thread it doesn't mean that they should not post any suggestions either.And yes you are right, they do get so horribly long and off track that sometimes we wonder where we started. So i'll just end it here.

    "Also, by your own admission NetMSi emailed you back and TOLD you why they rejected you. It sounds like they had a valid reason to do so as they have been on THIS forum clearly explaining the work they accept and the work they won't. Your response from them fell right in line with what they have said before, which is that if your submissions lack creativity, you'll be rejected. Calling this a bunch of random nonsense is dishonest on your part and makes you look like you're in denial when you should be using this as a learning experiene."

    Yes perfectly right!,I'm not arguing about the quality of my work but what happens is when you work for 800-900 hits and 99% of your work got accepted you tend to feel that you are doing it right.and when you got a sudden mass rejection for 200 hits that will drop your rating to 85% , it's really random checking, i don't think i've been any less creative with my rejected hits than my accepted hits.They should have straight away dismissed my first first submissions instead of letting me to continue to do it for another 800 hits .Now, i'm just a beginner, i don't have 10's of thousands of hits in my counter and i believe i have to work on the insanely rapcious hits for months for my approval to rise to a decent level again, which in turn makes the greedy bastards to getaway with their work done for terribly meagre pay.

    Anyway i don't think that NetMsi is all bad,i actually bought a nice "patriot supersonic rage usb drive" with only a few days of their pay, I think i'll flip the bit and install some new OS on the drive,who knows? it might somehow take away my doubts about mass rejection.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 14, 2012
  19. Thank you. Your reply was so much nicer than mine was about to be.
  20. naturegirl

    naturegirl User

    Agreed. And very complete, at that!

    It seems that unless one doesn't mind rejections, using synonyms for NetMSi work isn't optional. That makes them nothing but practical.

    I hope that your new OS install does help you feel better.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 14, 2012

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