Can't find good HITs? 11/05

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by the-mp, Nov 5, 2012.


What is Your Personal HIT Goal Today? (Submitted)

  1. $0.oo - $5.oo

    5 vote(s)
  2. $5.oo - $10.oo

    18 vote(s)
  3. $10.oo - $15.oo

    23 vote(s)
  4. $15.oo - $20.oo

    11 vote(s)
  5. $20.oo - $25.oo

    8 vote(s)
  6. $25.oo - $30.oo

    17 vote(s)
  7. $30.oo - $50.oo

    10 vote(s)
  8. $50.oo - $75.oo

    3 vote(s)
  9. $75.oo - $100.oo

    0 vote(s)
  10. Over $100.oo

    4 vote(s)
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  1. sasquatch

    sasquatch User

  2. MandyB

    MandyB User


    The first one was gone, the second one I did but I didn't even receive a code at the end:confused:
    Hoefully they won't reject it. I have submitted 693 HITs and still a 100% approved.
  3. sasquatch

    sasquatch User

    these movie enquirer movies are like never on my VOD
  4. redhb19

    redhb19 User

    Lol, you know what Mturk has done to me? I've been saving up all of the coins I find on the ground in a huge jar and whenever I find a coin on the ground, like a quarter, for example, I think to myself: Wow, this is like a super short survey right here.
  5. caraw1

    caraw1 User

    I do that every time I feed cans into the recycling machine. $0.05 - that's a hit - Some days I think I might have a more lucrative day if I just roamed around collecting recyclables. :)
  6. sasquatch

    sasquatch User

    lol forget measuring in hits, each can is like one porn title
  7. the-mp

    the-mp User

    oh goddamn
  8. sasquatch

    sasquatch User

  9. the-mp

    the-mp User

    okay, so i know this is asked constantly, but i want to get 200 quick batch HITs tonight - any suggestions?
  10. sasquatch

    sasquatch User

    don't know any off the top of my head, but i always have two searches in my bookmarks toolbar - they both search all hits i'm eligible for, but the first one orders them from greatest $ value to least, while the other orders them from greatest number of hits available to least. the second query helps find batch hits that still have large quantities left, though you should check TO and everything before you do a bunch, just in case...
  11. l1n7

    l1n7 User

    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 5, 2012
  12. l1n7

    l1n7 User

    I don't think there are any good quick batches up right now. If you've reached your crowdsource limit, I'd recommend Netmsi hits for right now. (if ya dont mind looking at nipples and wieners) But they're easy. They have plenty up. I can usually do like 2-3 per minute.

    I hate to say these since this is the good hits thread but f you don't mind doing hits where you do a lot of work for little pay then do Cognitive Development, Oscar Smith, or tagasauris. If I had to choose one from that list, i'd go with Oscar Smith. Not too many people like him, but i think it's because of the little pay. Im not 100 percent sure on that.


    Oscar Smith


    Cog. Development

  13. heliumclinton

    heliumclinton New Member

    I'm new here but what is there a crowd source limit?

    Are the keyword search and ranking counted in the same limit?
  14. itstriz

    itstriz User

    Crowdsource only allows you to do a certain number of each HIT. This seems to reset after some time, but you have to keep checking back to see if you are back on. The only ones I personally do are the
    Keyword Search on Google but I'm all tapped out right now.
  15. dottommytm

    dottommytm User

    Election Survey 2012

    Requester: Boris Shor
    Reward: $0.90 per HIT
    HITs Available: 1
    Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes

    8 mins for me
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 5, 2012
  16. wonkatonka

    wonkatonka User

    Ugh. I can't wait until Romney's concession speech tomorrow night. If I have to read one more political survey, I'm going to kill something.
  17. the-mp

    the-mp User

    Okay, thanks. I'm in a strictly SFW environment ATM so netmsi won't work, oh well.

    I did a lot of Tagasauris but they're not approving and the goal is to hit 1000 quickly, not dick around pointlessly.

    I'm doing oscar smith now... but yeah it's kind of a lot of work for two cents.
  18. the-mp

    the-mp User

    right? i live in chicago and even here, probably getting the least political exposure of ANY state this year, i'm getting overwhelmed with this crap.
  19. mikey

    mikey User

    Be careful what you wish for. Political surveys have been the bread and butter on MTurk the past few months.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 5, 2012
  20. sasquatch

    sasquatch User

    post election follow up bonus surveys!!

    all of which will be some variant of:

    to what extent do the following words describe how you feel at this moment:

    o woo hoo!
    o waaaaaaaaah!
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