Great hits 10/31/2012

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by trueakitalover, Oct 31, 2012.

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  1. TurkinGal

    TurkinGal User

    I did 4 yesterday when good HITs were sparse. 3 were accepted within 2 hours, one was pending for over 6 before it was rejected. I won't be doing those anymore. Between the primary links that don't go to the actual bid and the 1 or two very good options I saw offered for the same job, I'm not comfortable with doing that kind of research without them giving an inch back in my direction.
  2. critter

    critter User

    yeah, I haven't had much time to turk since last thursday and just been grabbing what i can here and there. Sadly, I did 8 of these in all of that. Last time I will ever do that...
  3. granit

    granit User

  4. TotalBabe

    TotalBabe Verified Leader

    Easy one for $0.75 - took under 7 minutes - You must be a regular shopper at a farmer's market to qualify-

    A survey about shopping at the Farmers Market
    Requester: Lydia Hanks
  5. granit

    granit User

    Part 2 of mTurk study about status in groups, check your email.
  6. sasquatch

    sasquatch User

    hey, anyone who does stuff for speechink, i uploaded the text file with the transcription, but i can't submit the hit in any way, do i return it or let it expire or what? also, i left the filename the way it was in the template, i didn't see any instructions on how to identify the file otherwise. I also didn't see any way to identify myself as the uploader... i see my ID in the querystring of the url for the file page, so i guess that's how they know... sorry, kinda lost here... used to just pasting something into a textarea for claritrans lol

    NEVERMIND, i see the 'submit hit button' on the file page, i was opening it up in a new tab and it looked grayed out so i didn't think about it...
  7. for all you turkers who need to get your numbers up PPC WWBP is posting several small batches of their well-being hits.

    the first time you do it you have to watch a video but after that they go pretty quick, like a couple of seconds, no more than 5. They pay a penny but you should still be able to make the $6 minimum with these. Also they approve immediately which means those numbers will go up faster. i did these when I first joined and got to my first 1000 pretty quickly.

    Anyway, just thought I'd put it out there. Search PPC WWBP.
  8. durgidog

    durgidog User

    These hits helped me get my approved hit count up past 5000 tonight, very quick to do and they approved immediately.

    **gotta argue with the math a little. at 2 seconds each it's $3/hr and at 5 seconds each $1.20/hr - minus 3+ minutes watching the vids for each batch. I only did as many as I had to.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 31, 2012
  9. JenniLeigh

    JenniLeigh User

    Thank you!

  10. Sorry but you're math is off, $6.00 is equal to .10 per minute at 5 seconds each that's .12 per minute. that does not include the watching of the vid with is a one time thing for each batch.

    edit: however i don't care if you do them or not, just put them out there. if you don't want to do them that will be more for me.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 31, 2012
  11. durgidog

    durgidog User

    Right you are! sorry about that...I did over 700 hits today and my head is swimming. Have at them, they were quick but I am clearly done in for the evening...
  12. sasquatch

    sasquatch User

    got about an hour to grab $2.79... why does this happen every night lol
  13. caraw1

    caraw1 User

  14. have you tried the ppc sasquatch?
  15. dottommytm

    dottommytm User

  16. 4-ACO-DMT

    4-ACO-DMT User

    Thanks for the headsup on this one! I just completed it.

    I am heading to bed folks. I almost hit $20 for the day and I was being pretty lazy so I count it as a successful day of turkin'. Goodnight & Sweetdreams folks :)
  17. sasquatch

    sasquatch User

    not yet, i've been doing mostly surveys and transcriptions today... i thought they were more helpful for getting numbers up (which i do need to do, but not at 2am lol) than earning money
  18. they are good with both. i average $7.20 per hour and most people should be able to average at least $6.00.
  19. I finally hit 2500 hits. Thank you PPC.

    well i'm off hope you make your goal sasquatch.
  20. Dallasa

    Dallasa User

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