Can't find good HITs? 10/27

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by Jahanzeb, Oct 27, 2012.

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  1. JenniLeigh

    JenniLeigh User

    I tried them out too...seems everyone is getting rejected. I can't believe I lost my 100% for a damn penny though. (I didn't think that out too well :p)
  2. egreen5

    egreen5 Member

    Grab some coffee and zone in my friend
  3. saladpope

    saladpope User

    You want 250 fast approvals too, right? You are trying to get to 500 approved?

    Oscar - he's a low payer but a fast approver.

    I'm trying to think of others, but I personally just really don't track approval speed normally.
  4. if i click this damn return hit button on accident one more time :(
  5. lol, still fresh out of college, I am used to cramming. I need junk food though.
  6. saladpope

    saladpope User

  7. Yep, this is exactly what I need. I know ProductRnR hits show up fast, but there aren't enough numberwise. Can you link to one of Oscar's batches? Please and thank you!
  8. BummyWonder

    BummyWonder Active Member

  9. xljj42

    xljj42 Member

    Looks like his are getting ready to expire. Might be a day or so before new ones get put up.
  10. the-mp

    the-mp User

  11. sasquatch

    sasquatch User

    if you look up 'crowdsource ranking' they (crowdsource) have some 'find a ranking in google/bing' that pay decently and after a little practice you can do them relatively quickly

    no requirements other than being in the us

    come to think of it, not sure why i haven't done those in a while
    there's always tomorrow

    going to bed, happy turking all!!
  12. saladpope

    saladpope User

    Immediate approval batches are kind of unusual because of the kind of information a requester needs to gather in order to be able to approve, but what I would recommend doing is making sure you have the "auto approval time" script installed (check the scripts section) and look for stuff with very low approval times (0.125 days or less, something like that).

    Wish I could be of more assistance.

    And with that, I'm off to bed -- we have a hurricane about to hit us here and I need to get some junk food supplies before the wind starts up tomorrow :(

    `Night all.
  13. magnetlink

    magnetlink User

    Wait, we're getting hit tomorrow (I'm on LI) Aww, man.. my kid's birthday is Monday.
    Anyway, I hope you're safe through it :) Have a good night!
  14. the-mp

    the-mp User

    Crap, am I the only one still awake?
  15. egreen5

    egreen5 Member

  16. BummyWonder

    BummyWonder Active Member

    Nope still here. Pulling an all nighter I guess.
  17. the-mp

    the-mp User

    welcome to the club! third-shifter here.
  18. the-mp

    the-mp User

    so i gather from the chatter that it's not always this dead on saturday nights? because this is pretty painful.
  19. Still awake too, almost 5 am here! Doing some CF hits now =/.. A little worried about Sandy, so I'm sure I'll be pulling an all nighter as well
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