Can't Find Great HITS?? 11/18 It's SMACK 'DA MONEY MAKER MONDAY!

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by turkalufagus, Nov 17, 2013.

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  1. zEric7x

    zEric7x User

    I made it to $10 so I am going to stop for today. Hopefully I might be able to have a better day tomorrow.
  2. that was long for $.15 =(
  3. Tribune

    Tribune User

    Good night to all. It was slow for me, doing penny hits. But my rate of Submissions is now 91.5%, and I'm at 1543 Accepted (99.7%).

    I now have some margin to reject sillinesses without worrying about my Returns falling under 90%!
  4. turklyfe

    turklyfe User

    What drama? All I see are people happily scraping nickels.

    Anyway, any Masters looking for work, PM me (I won't respond to randoms, new people, etc.)

    If you have the qual for the batch you won't need to be spoonfed.

    edit: What the hell, may as well give away the secret:

    Title: Image to Text Transcription
    Requester: David Kohreidze [ATJ04CYXTO9VL] (TO)
    TO Ratings: No TO (Submit a new TO rating for this requester)
    Description: Simply copy all the text that is in the infographic.
    Reward: $1.00
    Qualifications: Masters has been granted, Total approved HITs is not less than 1000, HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 95

    1645 of these.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 18, 2013
  5. EmmaStone

    EmmaStone User

    Is Masters easier to get now?

    It seems like when I used to turk a lot almost no one had it, but now masters HITs are way more common.
  6. turklyfe

    turklyfe User

    Only the most elite workers get Masters.
  7. skb

    skb User

    Lol eg. Turklyfe
  8. nikki4871

    nikki4871 Guest

    if by elite you mean getting lucky with demographics and amazon's weird algorithm

  9. This is the kind of day I've been having too. Everything is always gone once it's posted.
  10. turklyfe

    turklyfe User

    Some have said...

    I'm part of the Master race. Maybe you're onto something.
  11. Apaullo

    Apaullo Multi Pennyaire

  12. nikki4871

    nikki4871 Guest

  13. Hey is CrowdSource a good requester to work for they got a perfect TO, but still curious? Couldnt help but notice them having lots of "search" HITs, didnt wanna do any if they were not good. Any advice?
  14. turklyfe

    turklyfe User

    Hey! That is hard work! Only the most elite posture, eating the most elite junk food, can get you such physique.

    PS If I find secret non-Masters batches I'll PM you and not share with the plebs :p
  15. Obama

    Obama User

    So how's that healthcare workin' out for ye? /DUCK
  16. Anisty

    Anisty User

    So hows the night going? Anything good with the extra 100k hits that went up?
  17. turklyfe

    turklyfe User

    Obama I love this health care, I just wish it was a little more expensive and had higher deductibles. I feel like I'm getting a steal at $300/month to cover a healthy, elite Masters race 24-year-old male like myself.
  18. that extra 100k is all the same requester.
  19. GG

    GG User

    fanpop up
  20. skb

    skb User

    Great, my healthcare covers 100% with a $2 deductible on visits and a $2 deductible on prescriptions. Something to be said for having a husband who works for a big mindless corp.
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