Can't find good HITs? 10/16

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by ashliturk, Oct 16, 2012.

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  1. saladpope

    saladpope User

    The depressed rural area of the Upper West Side...

    Oh, also? WMTKF HAND.
  2. AzizMOM

    AzizMOM Active Member

    oh ok what kind do you have
  3. Moutheater

    Moutheater User

    Troll Alert

    Or Army Wives who PCS too often to afford to NOT have somethin' on the side.

    ALL OF THIS ^^^^
  4. abc123xyz

    abc123xyz Banned

    Understood. I contributed a link earlier to Taggered and Two Lakes. I will stick to providing links then...
  5. SininStyle

    SininStyle User

    Me personally, young child at home so someone has to be around. My wife made more money on the regular and her job was year round so I became Mr. Mom. I do the laundry, cook, clean, and earn enough money on turk every week to cover the food bill and other bills. Weekends I try to hit more what I use to do and bring in some extra.
  6. Ryberg

    Ryberg User

    Am I the only one who did hundreds of the Liat HITs? Plz tell me I won't be the only one shittin' bricks with hundreds of HITs pendin' for a couple days lol.
  7. petmak

    petmak User

    its more like college students stay at home moms, maybe dads as well people that do it on a slow day at work and basically anybody with some free time
  8. SininStyle

    SininStyle User

    lol funny you mention that I thought the same thing. hand fan...tee and golfball bag that holds 1 golfball rofl.... empty tin...yup all great F off gifts =P
  9. RWStein

    RWStein User

    No, abc, you are fine... I jumped the gun...

    Way too many trolls been running through our sandbox and my fingers worked faster than my mind.

    My apologies...

    Thanks for your contributions...

    And to answer your initial question - there are many reasons people Turk... Many just do it for fun. Some of us work from home as a job in general and fill in slow times with mTurk stuff. As other members mentioned they are students, stay at home moms, and I know of a few who are disabled and don't have many other options. You'll find that several members are making this extra $25+ a day sitting in the lounge chair with the TV on and working on their iPad. Not a bad gig! :D

    Again my apologies for jumping the gun! We are NOT "that other forum." :D
  10. SininStyle

    SininStyle User

    2 taggered hits returned. I cant do it... just cant. my eyes..they burn!
  11. CornFlake

    CornFlake User

    i have a regular job and school.. i do this for quick cash. my regular job pays once a month :( most of the people around me appear middle class
  12. I'm with you...not quite 700 like you but I'm a little over 200, and I'm bout to go back in again. It seems never ending.
  13. RWStein

    RWStein User

    Same here... My regular job pays once a month....
  14. Jahanzeb

    Jahanzeb User

    Yep just did 5 of them and paid within minutes.
  15. abc123xyz

    abc123xyz Banned

    Not a problem, my friend (if I may be so bold). I only ask because I basically work on Turk because I suffer from Avoidant Personality Disorder and Social Anxiety. I am also very shy, avoid eye contact, etc.

    So, I find mechanical turk to be a financial godsend!

    I have made approximately $34,000 on MTurk since April 2010.

    I hope to contribute in the days, weeks and months to come links and ideas.

    So, let's get back to providing links!
  16. SininStyle

    SininStyle User


    Requester: Lauren C Howe Reward: $2.00 per HIT HITs Available: 1 Duration: 60 minutes
    Auto-Approval Time: 7 days
    Qualifications Required: HIT approval rate (%) is greater than 95, Location is US, polor is 1
  17. I have a measly three left, ranging anywhere from 3-7 hours :| idk if i can do any more.....
  18. Doog

    Doog User

    I only did 4-5. I was much more interested in doing the $1.00-6.00 surveys that are linked to here. I rarely do batch HITs that are less than $0.10 each but that's just me.
  19. saladpope

    saladpope User

    I'm getting paranoid about these Liats - the way I have been marking them is that if they are talking about NYSE as an exchange then it is a no, if they are talking about NYSE as a company (which of course it is) I mark it as such. Same with PBOC and BoE and NYMEX and whatever else.
    Is this a good rule of thumb do you think?
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