Sign petition to be paid in Cash by Amazon Mechanical Turk

Discussion in 'General' started by musicfreak, Sep 16, 2010.

  1. musicfreak

    musicfreak New Member

    Hi Guys,

    I hope this is allowed to be posted here. If you would like to be paid in cash by Mturk instead of a gift card, please sign my petition. The link is . Once I get 500 signatures I will pass it on to Mturk.

    If anyone International wants to sign it, you can. Just put a comment in the Comments section saying you would like all International countries to be included. The petition was made on behalf of Canadians. I didn't know at the time there were 200 international countries working for Mturk.


    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 27, 2010
  2. sonica

    sonica User

    I don't mean to discourage you, but I think Mturk won't change their payment policy.

    Still, no harm in trying. All the best! :)
  3. musicfreak

    musicfreak New Member

    Yes I realize there's a slim chance but all I can do is try. I think they are trying to get around it for tax purposes. I think it's crap as any other online busines pays you by Paypal (yes I know that's from Ebay their rival), Direct Deposit or Check. It's very frustrating so for now I don't bother doing Hits as I can't really spend the money like I'd like if at all.
  4. I thought they did have that option ... ?? On mine it says I can do a gift card or have it sent to my bank account ...??? Sending it to you Bank account is cash isnt it??? *LoL*
  5. sonica

    sonica User

    You must be from US, so you have the 'send it to bank account' option. Since I am from India, I can request checks or get gift certificates but people from other countries (other than US and India) don't get funds by checks or in cash. They are forced to accept gift certificates ..... so the petition by Cheryl.
  6. musicfreak

    musicfreak New Member

    Hi there,

    The petition if you see it I did on behalf of Canadians. I was just given crap by another forum for being selfish not including other countries. I thought India was the only international country as it mentions they pay them in rupees on the Mturk site. I don't participate in the Mturk forums to know there were 200 other countries allowed to use Mturk.

    The other forum is giving me a lot of flack sayings it's pointless in trying. I guess they are happy to be paid in gift cards than cash. I was thinking of doing an International petition but I think it is pointless as they are so pessimistic about it.

    I just noticed someone signed my petition and put in the comments field that they would like all International countries to be paid also. So if you are International you can sign the petition too, just add your comment.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 25, 2010
  7. kblover

    kblover New Member

    Wonder why India? What makes them special over any other nation, especially one that's just right to the north and not a world away?
  8. traffic225

    traffic225 Member

    Maybe you guys should petition for them to use paypal?
  9. Tiger

    Tiger User

    They won't. PayPal belongs to their competitor Ebay.
  10. traffic225

    traffic225 Member

    oh yeah, you're right, Tiger
  11. ennaira

    ennaira User

    Wish I could, but I'm alredy receiving payments through check. That is too bad many countries don't have the options that receive cash payments. I don't understand what's the reason behind that.

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