Account Reopened

Discussion in 'General' started by uttamkumar21, Oct 7, 2012.

  1. My account was reopened by Amazon. It's surprising and still can't believe it. I had lost all hopes of working again. But it happened. I got a mail from Amazon

    I apologize for the inconvenience an trouble this has caused. After reviewing your account, the decision was made to reopen it at this time. Please allow 24 hours for your account to become accessible.

    If you would like to continue working on Amazon Mechanical Turk, you should be able to access your account and accept HITs.

    Before doing so, I would recommend looking over the Participation Agreement to be sure that you are aware of the policies to help prevent any future violations.
  2. Stlrfn

    Stlrfn Banned

    Wow that is great! Did they tell you what policies, if any, that you violated? I don't see them giving it back if you had violated any.
  3. No, they did not tell anything about it. It's bit surprising to me that they reopened it because they rarely do it.
  4. pratikrp

    pratikrp Member

    I remember reading your thread in this forum few days back regarding the suspension of your account. Had felt really bad for you. But reading the title of this thread has actually made my day. This is the first time I'm hearing such a thing. If you don't mind can you please share some more details? Like how many blocks did you get before your account got suspended? Did you contact Amazon after the suspension? If yes, what that you write to them?
  5. asha

    asha Active Member

    really a good news yaar
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 8, 2012
  6. it was suspended from the third block you had by garth right? I know garth removed one persons block.. im guessing once they saw how much damage he did amazon re-instated accounts that were suspended due to his blocks.. thats awesome though keep on turkin!!
  7. Alohashavon

    Alohashavon Active Member

    Good news - very happy for you!
  8. tmaa79

    tmaa79 User

    Good for you! So happy to hear you can continue to turk!
  9. vijay1975

    vijay1975 Active Member

    Hi UTTAM !

    Good news that was... Seems God has heard your prayers... As I said before in my earlier reply, try to be more careful in future. It would be most rewarding if we can use this fall as a learning session and hopefully let you come out with flying colours...
  10. Thank you Vijay. Sure, I shall be more careful now.
  11. Thank you very much..!!!
  12. Thank you!!! Ya, its really a good news and also very surprising.
  13. Thank you Asha. Got another chance to be with you people.
  14. Thank you!!!
  15. Ya Pratik, I had three hard blocks including the recent one which was maybe put by Garth. I wrote to them...
    I want the detailed information as who are the requesters who blocked me. The reason why they blocked me. When I contacted them they did not respond to my mails. What is this all going on. They are not the only requesters for whom I am working. There are lot more requesters who like my work and want me to work for them. Just by a few blocks by the odd requesters has resulted my account suspension. They don't even care to reply to the mails.
    Please, I want a detailed information about this issue and please don't ignore this message.

    Thank you.
  16. Glad to hear you got your account reinstated. Welcome back uttamkumar.

    This is not the first case. I know one another turker from this forum who got her account reinstated. But, for her it took about 13 days. Uttamkumar got reinstated way too quicker when compared to that. Congtratz man!
  17. DeepaRaj

    DeepaRaj Active Member

    Wow...Congrats yaar.
  18. pratikrp

    pratikrp Member

    Garth Gehlbach has removed someone's block? For real? Can you please give us some more details about it?
  19. Have ur old balance amount is showing there or it is 0
  20. sathir

    sathir User

    Congrats Uttamkumar.
    It's a great news you are back with mturk.

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