
Discussion in 'Requesters' started by petegq, Oct 3, 2012.

  1. petegq

    petegq User

    The requester lowered his pay rate from 0.10 to 0.03 this is truly disgusting, are we slaves ?
  2. I have seen that dozens of times now. What can we do?
  3. petegq

    petegq User

    I've never seen someone lower the price that much and not change the format of the hit to make it easier
  4. scotched

    scotched User

    yea it really sucks ... I just noticed this. Now he's down there with Oscar.
  5. vijay1975

    vijay1975 Active Member

    Simple. Nobody forces anyone to work for them. If you choose them, it is your wish and if you choose not to, even then it is your wish. As simple as that...
  6. wonkatonka

    wonkatonka User

    I did a Houdini Inc hit for 10 cents today. It was a fill in the blank for a coupon, it took like 45 seconds.
  7. ali123

    ali123 New Member

    nice post------------------
  8. durgidog

    durgidog User

    Ha! there are two up right now, one .10 and one .3! The interface is a little different for each but they seem basically the same.

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