ProductRNR - DO NOT work for. Under NO CIRCUMSTANCE

Discussion in 'Requesters' started by Crap I Did It Again, Sep 15, 2012.

  1. bsalustri

    bsalustri User

    I just got a email from these guys saying I'm unblocked.

    "Hello. Our worker monitoring system has been blocking workers too aggressively. It has been fixed and shows that you were incorrectly blocked. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and have unblocked you.

    We will continue to observe and improve our worker monitoring system. Please let us know if you have any feedback.

    We have more tasks coming up - please continue to work on ProductRnR Hits. Thank you for all your work."

    Good luck trying to get those worked on I'm not touching them .!..
  2. I got the same exact thing, but it has taken nearly a month. Not good enough to satisfy me. They had their chance to do the right thing at the right time and failed.

    I wonder what the AMT status is? The email I got was from ProductRNR directly; the original block from AMT.
  3. chaos

    chaos User

    I like how people continue to stubbornly argue and get defensive when you warn them about ProductRnr, insisting that they have no problems with them. Then eventually, like everyone else, they get rejections and then sometimes even blocked...
  4. Moutheater

    Moutheater User

    Does anyone have the email for this guy, please PM me it! Because I still can't access any of the mTurk email links or anything.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 14, 2012
  5. (

    This is the address from ProductRNR on the reply I got. Can't even spell Amazon right.
  6. johng74

    johng74 Active Member

    I got this same email today so decided to try them again so started the one about pictures related to the query which is fairly easy and fast...the third hit which came up set off my anti virus with a malware they may have unblocked me but now I am blocking them.
  7. Greetings from Amazon Mechanical Turk,

    You've received a bonus from ProductRnR for work related to xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
    The value of your bonus is: $5.00 USD

    The Requester included this note:
    Hello. You have been doing great work for us and we appreciate it. Thank you for continuing to work on our tasks.


    Do the hits right and you will get payed and even a bonus,do them wrong get blocked.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 15, 2012
  8. lilkolo91

    lilkolo91 User

    Woah...I just got a message from productRnR. Is that rare:

    "Hello. Our worker monitoring system has been blocking workers too aggressively. It has been fixed and shows that you were incorrectly blocked. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and have unblocked you.

    We will continue to observe and improve our worker monitoring system. Please let us know if you have any feedback.

    We have more tasks coming up - please continue to work on ProductRnR Hits. Thank you for all your work."

    haha yeah right! ^^^

    Glad they finally messaged. I did bomb their account one day. I'ma a happy camper I believe all of my unfair blocks have been terminated! :D
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 15, 2012
  9. chaos

    chaos User

    Keep telling yourself that, just remember how many have warned you. It's not about doing them right or wrong, they use majority rules. So if you do them right and the other two people do them wrong, you're getting rejected.

    It's happened time and time again, and people STILL refuse to believe it. There have been people on this very board that swore they had good experiences with ProductRnr, then one day they start getting rejections and eventually blocked.
  10. Chytay

    Chytay User

    There's too much history with them under different names. Product RandR has proven that they can't be trusted. If anyone does their hits, they really deserve what they receive after all the TO reports and the different posts here.
  11. ewd76

    ewd76 User

    Email I just received:

    Dear Worker,

    Based on worker feedback, we have redesigned our quality control system.
    In the new system, we use qualifications to determine whether workers meet the quality
    bar for our tasks instead of blocking them.
    We hope this systems helps us develop a better relationship with workers such as yourself
    while maintaining task quality.
    Thank you for working on our Tasks in the past and we look forward to continuing to work
    with you.

    Please let us know if you have any feedback or further questions.


  12. Has anyone worked for them since the unblocking of accounts?
  13. No way. .......
  14. I guess i'll do some HITs if they post some quick ones again. I haven't had a reject in months, i'll be the guinea pig.
  15. TAC

    TAC User

    I did some a couple days ago. Was never blocked or had rejects by him but then again I only did around 6 or so a while back. We'll see...
  16. bsalustri

    bsalustri User

    i've done several cause there was nothing else to do ill report back when the approval or block happens :/
  17. bsalustri

    bsalustri User

    They're approving right now for me maybe they did fix it maybe they didn't and i'll still get a block. guess i'll find out in a few days
  18. arun

    arun Member

    do 10-15 Hits before doing bulky
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 20, 2013
  19. They are pretty random, some people did thousands before reject/blocks. Some people did 10.

    I don't know how they'll do it now, I'm hoping that it is based solely on qualifications and you lose the qual when you do bad work.

    Honestly, that's how all Mturk should work. Not approval %. Too easy to have your career ruined by a bad requester.
  20. j0sh

    j0sh User

    I am new, but I have done a few dozen for this Requester and I have had no problems. Now that I know about TO and this forum, I might be a little more cautious in performing HITs for them. Also I did notice I have about 7 new qualifications granted to me from the Requester.

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