Redwood help thread!

Discussion in 'Requesters' started by abrahamrohithroy, Sep 13, 2012.

  1. atkins

    atkins User

    I have probably transcribed over 500 of the Redwood Hits in the past month and have not had a rejection. (yet, knock on wood!). I spell Ok as Okay, cause is because, gonna is going to. If I can't make out a word, I use the [xx] just like that ( in brackets). I never use um, or repeat as in "I thought that, thought that, um, he would". I would transcribe that as "I thought that he would". Redwood seems to want a nice, clean transcription, not broken and stumbly ( I know, not a word) like Claritrans.

    I avoid the review the transactions, seems easier to just do the transactions for .03 than review for .01.
  2. Can someone tell me how often does Redwood do the 10 second audio transcriptions? Example, which days of the week? What's the best times to catch them, etc. ??? Anyone have any idea? Thanks
  3. rstokes

    rstokes User

    All I know is that I have been doing a lot of the "correcting" hits for Redwood and I'm amazed that they don't hand out more rejections. The garbage that I have seen is just unbelievable. I can't believe the inaccurate mess some people call "their best work". Blank pages, pasted phrases that don't come close to the text, and let's not forget texting slang..... Redwood really aught to start paying attention.
  4. The 10-second transcriptions are very sporadic these days. But, I saw a batch of 8000 Hits day before yesterday. Seems like the frequency depends on their clients.
  5. I agree. I had to edit a couple of them scripts. Annoying as hell when every other word is miss-spelled or isn't even the right word choice.

  6. No, they are very lenient on that (unless you abused it, of course)

    Such a huge amount of these HITs are completed by workers who use voice recognition programs to type if out for them. The results are obvious and ridiculous.
    I think I actually review more BS submissions than honestly attempted ones, so don't worry if you can't make out a word.

    Like I said before, FROM MY UNDERSTANDING, Redwood does not reject work. They just block you from doing the HIT if you consistently submit crappy work.

  7. I always use " OK ", but some people use " Okay "
    "ok" or "O.K." are not accurate, though.

    "coz" and "cuz" should not be used ever.
    It should be " 'cause " or "because"
  8. TAC

    TAC User

    I just started doing these, did about 350 early am. Holy crap, some are beyond ridiculous. Besides the ones where you have to click every word, these beauties appeared:

    Blah blah blah
    English words
    Hi, I'm from Florida. How are u?

    Or anything that is twitter/facebook/crappy shortcut slang (how r u). Argh!:mad:
  9. Zenoff64

    Zenoff64 User

    I was just doing of batch of these and I have no idea how they even remotely got approved. I'd say one out of 10 were like this. Ridiculous.


  10. I think it's because they require no qualifications, so new workers jump on these and screw them up.
    But, as far as the (many) that are obviously purposely screwed up, it's always been a mystery to me why people submit them in the first place.

    Like the ones that just say "blah blah blah" or "some guy talking"
  11. Cowfin

    Cowfin Community Manager Staff Member

    I hate those. The copy and pastes of like 500 words on a ten second transcript really hurt as well. The short intentional ones make life easy, because they take 5 seconds to fix.
  12. TAC

    TAC User

    It's too bad that there isn't a box to click that all the text is wrong. Instead, I click on every word if it's all garbage. Or is there another way?
  13. Cowfin

    Cowfin Community Manager Staff Member

    Nope. I have tried highlighting it all and then using one click, but it didn't work. Ill shoot an email out to Redwood now about that. Hopefully it gets put into place.
  14. YES! *shaking fist at workers who copy and paste the instructions in the HIT* my pet peeve.
  15. Cowfin

    Cowfin Community Manager Staff Member

    If you have suggestions for Redwood, the email is I dont know how good their support is.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 17, 2012
  16. It used to be good, but several workers here have recently complained about lack of response.
  17. Cowfin

    Cowfin Community Manager Staff Member

    Just sent an email to them, will see if they respond, i doubt they will because they probably get tons of mail from the people using their services to get work done.

    EDIT: Got a computer response, I guess il get a full reply in a few days, if I get one.
  18. You won't get an actual response. I've emailed them a dozen times in the previous month and all I got was a computer response almost instantly.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 18, 2012
  19. Sent an email to Redwood, along with some questions about the craziness going on with these people typing stupid stuff in the "typing box" for the audio clips. Some people are idiots and are to lazy to type a few words, so they rather type "blah blah blah." Shows an example of a perfect lazy person who will never be nothing in life.

    Other then that, I hope you guys are doing well with Redwood. He has been nothing but good experience for me.
  20. Cowfin

    Cowfin Community Manager Staff Member

    Its been almost 24 hours, still no physical response. I guess your right abrahamrohithroy. Such a shame on their part.

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