Crowdsource - Judge the Sentiment Expressed by the Author - $0.14

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by chaos, Aug 22, 2012.

  1. chaos

    chaos User

    Yeah, I would love to see these keep going...
    I really need to go to bed, I've got an early day tomorrow. Just going to hope that it's like before and these thousands of HITs hang around for awhile so I can get back to them.
  2. Athena

    Athena User

    ...almost up to 7K!
  3. Athena

    Athena User

    I think CS might have stolen a vast majority of CF's clients!!!!!

    CF used to have, like, hundreds of thousands of these sorts of tasks but inefficient (and maddening) QC setups (they let each individual client set up their own "gold standard" questions to catch the spammers. So, you'd have some intern at google picking ambiguous judgments in a vain attempt to get us to work "better", but instead of working, it just kicked ALL the prolific workers out of the system.

    I think CS has someone internally in charge of ALL the QC, and they understand that the difference between Very positive and just positive can be a matter of opinion, etc, so their QC only catches they genuinely bad workers. So, they can use less plurality and just pay good workers more.
  4. schlep

    schlep User

    I agree. Easier to pad stats.

    I got an email earlier, but I thought they were still putting out 20 at a time.
  5. Athena

    Athena User

    My rhythm and flow with opening tabs and closing them and waiting for pages to load seems better with 2, too. While I'm waiting for the new HIT to load is exactly the right amount of time to close out the last 2 tabs, etc.
  6. jtech9

    jtech9 Active Member

    hoping the HIT is still alive two hours and fifty minutes from now. :(
  7. stormsyr

    stormsyr User

    I see.. I just hit ctrl C, click to open, ctrl F + V ctrl C, ctrl W, ctrl V and repeat. Just seemed easier with three for me.
  8. Ryberg

    Ryberg User

    Got a massive headache right now. Hope they're still available in the AM.
  9. Athena

    Athena User

    They're back down to under 5 K HITs left now...
  10. Athena

    Athena User

    Only about 3K800 left...
  11. Athena

    Athena User

    2,800 left now...
  12. I have a question about these HITS- Well The brand they wanted judged- is HP- The article is on HP's site, but it's not about HP-Its about CFO's- Nothing to do with HP- What the heck would I choose then? Neutral? When I paste a sentence, it won't be about HP.

    Also the auto approval says 14 days-How long do they take too approve these usually? Thank you :)
  13. The ones I did last night are already approved so I suspect the ones I'm cranking out now will be approved by tonight/tomorrow am. As for the whatever ones, if it's on the actual HP site and HP is a keyword they're probably talking about some sort of program/item/whatever in the HP line so I usually put positive unless it's really just a one or two liner [I've had many of those] then I paste the one sentence and put neutral.
  14. No HP wasn't mentioned whatsoever- It was on the HP site and one of their blogs but it was talking about something unrelated to HP.
    TY Turk. I will put neutral I guess. I came across a few of these- I will see if I can input a note or report issues with it if I get too many.
    Glad they don't take 14 days phew.
  15. mscynni

    mscynni User

    I have gotten the hp blogger ones too. I judge the articles tone then put in the feedback a note that it was an hp blogger not an hp article.
  16. Good idea, ty :)
  17. stormsyr

    stormsyr User

    It's usually less than 10 hours. Depends on the time of day. 3 am they are faster at around an hour, noon they are slower at around 3-5 depending on how many are being done I guess.
  18. stormsyr

    stormsyr User

    They caught me on the one night I DIDN'T have insomnia!! How rude!

    I fell asleep after about 300 of them, woke up there were 2k left and fell asleep after like 20 haha.

    Hoping we'll see more of them...
  19. Mine from this morning all already approved. Hoping these come back sooon I really like them and they're quick!
  20. Mine as well, are already approving- Love it!!!

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