
Discussion in 'Requesters' started by narawhsengiv, Aug 19, 2012.

  1. narawhsengiv

    narawhsengiv Active Member

    Is this requester is trustable? His hits are about adult content only for 5 cents. Can i do his hits. My turkopticon not working in chrome now. So only asking your reviews. Please help me.
  2. Whimsy

    Whimsy User

    No. You're putting your approval rating at risk every time you work for them.
  3. Athena

    Athena User

    They are the most dangerous regular requester on Mturk.
  4. narawhsengiv

    narawhsengiv Active Member

    thanks for the review phoolishness
  5. narawhsengiv

    narawhsengiv Active Member

    thank you athena for warning me about the requester
  6. TO is working in chrome now, you need to download it from the google store, look for recent threads here the link has been posted.
  7. 646count

    646count User

    Yeppers, before I knew better, my approval rate took a nose dive because of them...still trying to recover
  8. stormsyr

    stormsyr User


    All three pages are paid HITs from RnR

    In the past i've had bad experiences with them, but IDK there were no other jobs so I was like ah wth may as well.

  9. Whimsy

    Whimsy User

    I've done hundred and hundreds of HITs for them, over 99% approved...but they do mass rejections so now that I've got over 1,000 HITs approved, I stay away =/
  10. stormsyr

    stormsyr User

    I've had bad experiences with them in the past as well. Not saying they're good now, just wanted to share that they don't always reject.
  11. I've did over 2.000 of his hits and not even a single reject,all aproved.In my point of view he is a very good requester and I don't know why people say bad thing about him.
  12. Whimsy

    Whimsy User

  13. Chytay

    Chytay User

    There has been much discussion here and in the other place about their rejection rate. There have been many people sing their praises to later be screwed with a high rate of rejects. It's just too dangerous to do their hits.
  14. But how can you explain that i did 2k of his hits and not even a single reject?:rolleyes:
  15. I imagine the same way you can explain the NUMEROUS people that have done thousands upon thousands of his HITs only to be inexplicably slammed with mass rejections.
  16. Whimsy

    Whimsy User

    Because not everyone gets hit with the mass rejections. I never was. I messed up a couple of times when I first started turking and I got a couple legit rejections from them. Hundreds and hundreds of their HITs, I've done. No more though - my approval rating is too important to me now.

    Doing them is fine, but thinking you're immune to unfair rejections is silly when it comes to this requester.
  17. iceblink

    iceblink User

    He's got 4 red bars from 139 reviews on TO for good reason

    If you haven't found that reason out yet, just consider yourself lucky :)
  18. Stlrfn

    Stlrfn Banned

    Try looking up Product Universe... or PU as I like to call them. I guess they thought a name change would do them good. Well, it did for a little while until peeps caught on that they were the same since they didn't change their rejection policy. You may have luck with them for a while and get that false sense of security. However, there will come a day when they will say REJECT... REJECT... REJECT!!! And then you approval rating may be screwed (depending on how many hits you have). I can afford to take the risk as I have quite a few number of hits approved, but not even I will take a risk with them anymore. All I can say is Good Luck... and that when the time comes that they mass reject you (and that time will come) I hope you have a big cushion in your numbers.
  19. That's kind of like saying I can skydive and always be safe because I haven't died etc yet,lol. It doesn't mean you won't. Just because you are lucky sometimes doesn't mean that others bad experiences are not valid. Risking doing 2,000 hits for someone with that bad of ratings is definitely jumping out of a plane and hoping you don't die. Good luck! But it doesn't mean that everyone else hasn't had rejections. Keep doing them if you like. No one is stopping you. But then don't cry when you get big rejections. I have no idea why on earth someone would want to do all the work and run the risk of no payment and a big hit to your approval rate :/
    That is gambling with bad odds.

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