Turkopticon Fixed

Discussion in 'General' started by taintturk, Aug 17, 2012.

  1. taintturk

    taintturk Member

    Email from Lilly.

    Six, mostly, and I have put together a new version of the Firefox and Chrome extension that should work (as best as we can tell). It is de-crudified so it should run faster as well. Before we officially release it, we're posting it to a few people to test it out through different workflows on different systems.

    If you are interested and download the new extension, let us know if you find any bugs. If you use it and it works fine for a solid day, let us know that too.

    Find the extensions here:
    - Chrome store: http://goo.gl/Zwv7E
    - Firefox Add-on catalog: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/turkopticon/

    If you have feedback on this fix, please post in the getsatisfaction forum for turkopticon so that an admin or moderator sees it. That is the little "Feedback" tag on the right side of the page on TO. http://turkopticon.differenceengines.com/

    Or just go directly to the forum to report any issues. https://getsatisfaction.com/turkopticon

    This was not supposed to be a general release, but since it was posted on reddit yesterday, no reason why it should not be posted here as well.
  2. taintturk

    taintturk Member

    Oh and all the things that were talked about are in this version.

    Colors have changed in the popups, and all the old code was removed.
    This means that TO is loading faster than ever before. It is almost instantly loading for me right next to the hits.

    So if you get a chance, go to the getsatisfaction forum and thank these guys. They make NO money off of turkopticon so they are doing this for free.
  3. lilkolo91

    lilkolo91 User

    XD very happy!
    I shall test it out today and give them a review tonight! But so far so good!
  4. Trantice

    Trantice User

    I'm a pretty technical person, but I have yet to get TO to work in Chrome. It simply does not show up at all. On the flip side, TO has always worked brilliantly in FireFox.
  5. Stlrfn

    Stlrfn Banned

    Hiya taint..... thank for the info hun!

    BTW: you are still my favorite sheepman![​IMG]
  6. Spidermmm

    Spidermmm User

    It works perfectly.. Thanks bro....
  7. iceblink

    iceblink User

    Love it

    feels lightning fast compared to the old one
  8. Athena

    Athena User

    What's the getsatisfaction forum?
  9. Whimsy

    Whimsy User

    from the link he gave to the forum page:

    " Community-powered support for Turkopticon
  10. Athena

    Athena User

    AAh. Thanks!
  11. I'm so glad to have this back. Thank you!!!
  12. CfromC

    CfromC Member

    *waves* Good luck w/ that taint! TO always had a bunch of potential. I just never trusted them after they were data mining without notification or consent. It sounds like all the old Ned/Stanford code might finally be gone now...I for one, am glad it has actual workers involved (who hopefully can interpret the code to make sure everything is on the up and up).

    FWIW ST and I have come up w/ a pretty nifty forum based solution that has the potential to be just as useful as TO but without the risk of installing an extension that you may or may not know what it does. Swing by and scope it out sometime :)
  13. raja

    raja New Member

    thanks its working me :D
  14. Working perfectly on Chrome 21.0.1180.79 m.

    Thank you so much, I felt so exposed and vulnerable without it. (For the last few weeks have only been doing HITS from requesters I knew to be good without checking TO).

    Please consider putting a "donate" system on TO, I would really love to contribute something.
  15. OMG I can't wait to back home and get this working again on my Chrome. -happy dance-

    Thank you!!
  16. jbird7

    jbird7 User

    I went back to an old version of Chrome until they fixed TO. I was able to keep using TO that way. TO 3.21 is working for me on the latest version of Chrome now. Awesome!
  17. bitler2000

    bitler2000 User

    It works great for me, Yes!!!!
  18. taintturk

    taintturk Member

    TO is non-profit and cannot accept more than the price of hosting. It was talked about, but I think with some server changes it was never followed through with.

    If you want to post a suggestion or a thank you to the admin, please use the Turkopticon Forum to communicate any ideas, suggestions, or thanks about turkopticon to the admin.
    They really do not have the time to read multiple forums and message boards looking for ideas about TO.
    Ask a question or suggestion there please so the proper people see it. I am only a moderator there, not an administrator. Let them know how you feel and what you want or need.
  19. taintturk

    taintturk Member

    The admin of TO admitted that was not the best idea in the world, they also assured everyone at the time that the data was not being mined for profit and as soon as it became an issue the link was cut but the code remained.

    If you do not want to trust them and forget about a bad decision that is your own problem. I cannot believe that we are two years removed from that and it is still an issue. It is ridiculous.

    Facebook all take 100x more info than TO was ever thinking about using and people got up in arms about it.

    So my opinion is, either drop it, or don't use it but put the past in the past.

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