What is the name of this color?

Discussion in 'General' started by rstokes, Aug 16, 2012.

  1. rstokes

    rstokes User

    5 pages, 20 colors per page..... 100 colors to identify for .02 cents.... you are kidding right?
  2. schlep

    schlep User

    Heh. I got suckered into trying one. I'll never get those three or so minutes back. lol
  3. rhysmom

    rhysmom Member

    same here. I should know better by now, CrowdFlower rarely pans out for me. sigh.
    I did one of the colour hits, what a wast of time, 2 cents for all that.
  4. iceblink

    iceblink User

    As a general rule of thumb, when i'm looking at crowdflower hits nothing with more than one page is ever worth the time. If it says Page 1/2 or Page 1/5 I just return it instantly.. I don't even bother reading the hit past that :rolleyes:
  5. Stlrfn

    Stlrfn Banned

    OMG I just looked at these since I saw them mentioned in here. All I have to say is [​IMG]
  6. Exactly the reason I have clowflower on the don't see list on my browser extension.
  7. nobody

    nobody User

    I once took a 5 minute survey from crowdflower that took...wait for it...30 minutes. After that, I was done. Either I end up having to return a hit, or it's one of those that iceblink mentioned, with PAGES of work for pennies. smh
  8. bredeanf

    bredeanf User

    I clicked on this and saw where it said 5 pages at the top and clicked the back button lol Crowdflower is so crazy
  9. astonblake

    astonblake Member

    ohhhh... such seems like kidding....

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