How would i spell this out...

Discussion in 'General' started by lkim802, Aug 15, 2012.

  1. lkim802

    lkim802 Active Member

    I am doing a transcription hit right now and need to know how i would spell out the blood alcohol level .08. would i spell it out in numbers or letters? and how would i spell it out without the decimal if they're are saying for example; if you're over a one-eight? :confused:
  2. Scott

    Scott User

    I know at least everything I have ever seen in the US and US media..its always been BAC .08 or Blood alcohol level .08

    If I were to transcribe it, I would do .08
  3. lkim802

    lkim802 Active Member

    OK. But what about if they are saying something more than .08 like one-five but they are not saying it with the decimal, they are just saying it like i'm spelling it. How would i type that out numerically so they an read it how they are saying it? LOL i know it's kind of confusing, i hope you understand what I'm talking about
  4. .15 or .5 or 1.5 ? You would generally always put a decimal in it. Who are you transcribing for? If there is a comment box- Put that you were not sure how they wanted it so you did it the way it normally is done in English. Which is to write it as a decimal. That is how they measure your blood alcohol. Over legal limit is .5. Did they say "His blood alcohol was point one five? If they are just saying "One five" Then I would spell it out just to be on the safe side since that is the way they are saying it.
    Make an executive decision and write it in the comments. They can't really hurt you for that one if it isn't in a style guide etc.

    One-five would be the best bet in this case, I think. 1-5 might mean 1 to 5. So One-five sounds like it would work best since they are not saying point etc.

  5. lkim802

    lkim802 Active Member

    Yeah, i thought the same thing also and that's how i ended up doing it in the end. Because they're not saying it point one five. they are just saying one-five. so putting the dash in between was the way i thought would be the best way to go. Thank you for your input!! And I'm doing it for speechink. it's an hour long file and i been working on it on and off since 1 this morning and i am falling asleep trying to finish it up. i still have 4 hrs left on it before it expires and i think i only have like 10 more min to do. This is what i get for always lagging it and taking extra long breaks in between..i always suffer at the end ~_~
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 15, 2012

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