This requester-a full time rejecter..!!

Discussion in 'Requesters' started by lordson, Aug 3, 2012.

  1. lordson

    lordson Active Member

    I have done a hit named
    " Survey on real and synthetic web search queries "-by the requester "Research project"
    I almost did 170 hits of this requester and he rejected all those 170 without any courtesy and also without a proper reason.
    When i contacted the requester ,there is no reply..???
    It affected my statistics badly!!

    please share your comments on this requester or any experience with this requester??
    Can this be rectified???
  2. I'm sorry to hear about this... Something similar has happened to me.

    Requesters like this are just scum and you really should be able to sue. They're taking your working without paying you - wasting your time and unjustly screwing your reputation.

    I am not aware of any rectification.
  3. Unfortunately if you can not get the requester to remove the rejections then you are basically screwed. Amazon refuses to investigate rejections or do anything about them. This is why it is so important to make sure a requester is good before doing a bunch of their hits. Sorry to give you such bad news....
  4. I feel so angry whenever we hear of stories like this. I'm sorry for your situation.
  5. lordson

    lordson Active Member

    so how would i know about a good or bad requester ??how and from where could i find it out easily???????:confused:
  6. You use this forum. There is LOADS of info here regarding requesters.. good and bad. Also, make sure you are using Turkopticon, it can also be found on this forum in the scripts section. It really is invaluable.
  7. sathir

    sathir User

    We can just feel Angry sister. Nothing else we can do. It happened to me too. I was with 100% Scoring with 15k hits. After that I want to find some other hits and done for many requester. Now with 99.1% completed 22k hits. I agree I would do mistakes and my scoring would have come down. But, without any fault on me some requester prefer not to pay for my work and turn to scam.

    Finally I realize there is no justice for workers in mturk.
  8. You are right and sadly the only way to find out is to get burned. I guess it will happen to us all at some stage or another. Right now TO is not working for me and I am scared to do HITs without the only real protection we have.
  9. lordson

    lordson Active Member

    Guys how about this recent Hits "Evaluate Font Differences" by the Requester:"Janis Libeks"
    Is anyone doing these hits...can this requester be trusted ????:rolleyes:

    I just wanna increase my approval rate which has been dropped badly to 90% from 94%...!!
    Please help me making up my approval rate....I'd be grateful if yo guys suggest me few good requester's....:eek:
  10. Go for requesters like Redwood. Your English is good enough, do their transcription batch HITs. I am not sure how they work but I've never had one rejected. The HITs which review the transcriptions are good too (you just have to click on words that are wrong). These regularly crop up, too.

    I'm getting none available at the moment, but check regularly:

    Also caption requirements HITs:

    Search mturk for Redwood.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 4, 2012
  11. lordson

    lordson Active Member

    thanks a lot sis:D Those caption requirement hits are available to me at this moment and let me try them.
  12. Yes, 90% approval rate, you should be able to use them to drag yourself back up. Good luck.
  13. chaos

    chaos User

    NEVER do too many HITs for a requester that doesn't have good Turkopticon ratings.

    If a requester isn't at least right around a 4 in the Fairness and Generosity categories, I don't do them. If a requester has NO TO ratings, then I'll only do as many HITs for them as I can handle in rejections. Right now I'm at about 99.7% approval. If a requester doesn't have a TO rating, I'll do as many as 20 HITs for them as a test to see if they approve. If they do, then I'll do more in the future. If they reject, my approval percentage will only drop to like 99.3%, so it's not a huge deal and I can just avoid that requester in the future.
  14. chaos

    chaos User

    To help get your approval back up, I'd also suggest (in addition to Redwood) a requester named Venue Quality. They frequently put up HITs where you are given the address for 2 locations, and you just have to decide if it is the same place or not. Very simple, FAST, and I've never had a rejection. They don't post in large batches very often, but they always seem to put up a few of them throughout the day.
  15. lordson

    lordson Active Member

    hey sathir,are you from madurai...?Me how long have been turking to complete 22k hits..
    Tips kudunga boss...!!
  16. lordson

    lordson Active Member

    Dude presently i don't find those hits with the requester you mentioned.Hope will get in future..thanx a ton!!
  17. chaos

    chaos User

    Yeah they don't have any up right now, but as you're browsing through keep an eye out for them. Very quick way to get definite approvals. Much better than cranking away for half an hour just to get like 15 of Oscar Smith's junk hits done.
  18. I got hard blocked by venue quality after doing thousands of hits for them. Still waiting to hear from them. They never gave me any feedback to know I was in jeopardy of being blocked. Great for numbers but watch out for the block after a while.
  19. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

    I've heard stories about that. Doesn't surprise me. I've avoided them due to that.

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