Can everyone just stop doing Oscar Smith HITs already?

Discussion in 'General' started by chaos, Jul 18, 2012.

  1. Stlrfn

    Stlrfn Banned

    Personally I agree with Chaos and his feelings on Oscar. Those that are doing his hits at what I believe is closer to $.60 per hour are doing a disservice to both American and Indian workers alike. I really don't think it matters where you live those are slave wages. The fact of the matter is that if nobody did his hits at 2 cents per he would have to raise his pay if he wanted them done. But the honest truth is that Oscar is using and abusing his work force by getting as much work done as he can for as little pay as possible and this is saying to other requesters that it is an acceptable practice. This, in turn, creates more slave wages across the board when it comes to mturk in general.
  2. shariqueahmer

    shariqueahmer Banned

    god only knows what oscar does with so many visiting cards database. Maybe mass mails them.
  3. bootybitch

    bootybitch Banned

    His business was bought by LinkedIn. He got millions for it. I believe it's a business card indexing service - people send in their business cards and they get entered into their own database.
  4. Maggiemw

    Maggiemw User

    Then maybe some kind soul at linkedin should blow the whistle on him... someone someplace should have some business ethics left. What happened to all the lovely academic talk about business social responsibility?
  5. bootybitch

    bootybitch Banned

    Why would LinkedIn care? I'm sure they get 10-20x as much per business card as they pay to have it entered. As long as they're getting rich, why on earth would they care about who is doing their work? Obviously, it's getting done in a timely enough manner that they have no cause for concern.
  6. Maggiemw

    Maggiemw User

    Good question - why should they care? Why should Adidas have cared if people found out who was hand-sewing their footballs and how old those kids were? Why should globalized companies care? Because a lot of their clients care. A lot of the public cares. Business social responsibility is a concept that can make or break a business' reputation. All right, I won't hold my breath waiting for ethics to kick in or whistle-blowing to take place...
  7. bootybitch

    bootybitch Banned

    LOL have you seen the economy lately? Ethics shmethics, it's every man for himself. If they can get Indian workers and desperate stay at home mothers to enter 25000 business cards for 2c apiece (with the "potential" to earn up to 5c apiece - woohoo!) while they rake in who knows how much per card/per month/per client, of course they won't raise their pay.

    Very few wealthy investors look at a company and go "Gee, they pay their workers so well! Let's give them all our money to help them out." No, they want to see profits. Returns. Nothing is free.

    You're preaching to the choir, sister. I agree with LinkedIn & Oscar Smith exactly 0%. And that's why I refuse to touch these HITs and spread the word that anyone that does them might as well lube up now cuz you're getting FUCKED and in turn you're fucking the rest of us. Complaining doesn't do any good, actions speak louder than words, and the only person you can count on is yourself. If you can't handle that, TURKING IS NOT FOR YOU.


    PS - Nobody will "blow the whistle" on him because the only people that realize this shit are the Turkers and the company's themselves. Media only covers shit like religious nonsense spouted by restaurant owners, they don't care that people are working for peanuts. /rant2
  8. Slicer

    Slicer User

    Sometimes I regret getting a real job at a real company doing real things where there is a real minimum wage.

    Then I revisit threads like this one.
  9. Stlrfn

    Stlrfn Banned

    Explanation Slicer?
  10. Maggiemw

    Maggiemw User

    Luckily for me, I have a real job at a real place in a real country with real worker protection, labour laws, health care, decent retirement, etc... and believe me, I KNOW I am lucky, and work to keep the society I am part of as decent as possible to its members.
  11. Now Booty... you know Oscar is too cheap to spring for lube before he bends you over LOL Hope everyone has their own supply on hand.

    Well I shouldn't say everyone I guess... everyone who does these horrible slave wage HITs.
  12. Slicer

    Slicer User

    I go to work for 40 hours a week on the graveyard shift, I get paid about a hundred bucks a day without trying too hard, I come home, I do whatever I want, I go back to work.

    I DON'T spend my time refreshing a page and hoping that maybe today I'll make money, because yesterday I didn't.
  13. Stlrfn

    Stlrfn Banned

    So to be OT I guess you are saying you wouldn't do Oscar hits either?
  14. Slicer

    Slicer User

    Even when I was Turking to pay my bills I never even considered his HITs, and I don't know why anyone would unless your cost of living is miniscule.

    How can you live on what he pays? If you sit there doing his HITs for an hour in the United States, you may be able to afford a candy bar. If you work really, really hard during that hour, you might be able to afford... a king-size candy bar.

    It's insane. It's absolutely gonzo batshit that anyone in a first-world country (or even in most third-world or transitional countries) would consider doing Oscar Smith HITs. Doing his HITs is literally worse than slavery; at least owners have to spend enough money to keep their slaves alive.
  15. Stlrfn

    Stlrfn Banned

    Yep, my sentiments exactly.
  16. prakashkl

    prakashkl User

    Hi everybody

    Hits from Oscar smith is useful only for just joined guys. It help them to make various qualifications in terms of numbers and accuracy. These are for guys who have just joined and will help them in using M turk. I have also used these in my early days and I now almost stopped it. It helps to top up your accuracy to above 95% and provides a good base for future earnings.
  17. watari

    watari User

    Somewhat off topic... but India is not a third-world country.

    The term referring to three worlds has lost all meaning. The "first world" meant, during the Cold War, the United States and their allies. The "second world" was the USSR and their allies, and the third world were non-aligned and neutral nations (which did include India). Of course now that the Cold War is over the definition no longer applies. When it was conceived it referred to how much of a country was dependent upon agriculture versus manufacturing, in other words pre-industrial countries and post-industrial. At the time India was not post-industrial, their only industry had just been handed over from the British colonial rulers. Now India, though we may consider it "poorer" than the US and having lower standards of living amongst some groups, is a first-world country by the antiquated definition because the country has seen rapid modernization and has become a friendly economic and trading partner.

    Back on topic...

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