Existential Cat Crisis Thursday 4/6/2017

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by sks, Apr 5, 2017.

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  1. sks

    sks User

    I had a celebrity sighting...."Archie" Miller
  2. sks

    sks User

    Right? I didn't know he did the Late Show..he's Catholic (hence kids)
  3. sks

    sks User

    Listen who wants to do tonight's thread and if not what do you want the theme to be?
  4. Guys, we're at 30 pages... when's the last time that's happened? Has this forum come back to life?

  5. mboone73

    mboone73 User

    I also had jury duty with this guy,


    Steve Mark, not Clyde Drexler. :(

    Though my mom met Clyde Drexler at the airport.
  6. Oh I totally agree with that! I have the latest episode on dvr so I haven't seen it yet. But it definitely tries to hard to be raunchy and over the top. Kaitlin Olson is a national treasure though.
  7. Pucca

    Pucca User

    Nope. Somebody who hasn't posted in 47 years is gonna pop up and comment on how dead it is before they disappear again.
  8. frood

    frood User

    It was just for a week, I think. In the period between Ferg and Corden.
  9. mboone73

    mboone73 User

    You're probably right, but I know where those people are.
  10. [​IMG]
  11. I love jury duty so much. One year I got summoned for jury duty three times.
  12. sks

    sks User

    agreed. We all want to be as bad ass as her when we grow up
  13. Pucca

    Pucca User

    The discord people are gone for a reason which was understandable when the forum went to crap. I just think it's funny when people who haven't been posting since even before that happened come back and pop in and out for 2 seconds.
  14. sks

    sks User

    looks that way..now all we need is Lucas and Jenni
  15. mboone73

    mboone73 User

    You can do it. I tried to add to the existentialism by posting cats and Pink Floyd.
  16. sks

    sks User

  17. Pucca

    Pucca User

    I've never been summoned for jury duty. An old lady once told me it was probably because I was young and moved a lot but I'm old now so I don't know why they don't want me.
  18. mboone73

    mboone73 User

    Well, that's pretty clear. Thanks.
  19. sks

    sks User

    Yes I saw I really liked that! ok I think you'll be happy boone.
  20. Yeah and I had to go to all of them because one was city, one was federal, and one was county or something. I only ended up serving on one jury though. I love jury duty though- I don't get the hate.
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