Can't find Fantastic HITs? 8/7 Backup Before It's Fried Friday!

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by nanaki254, Aug 7, 2015.

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  1. Did Content Research pull their batch? Usually they're up for at least a day.
  2. bobbie01

    bobbie01 User

    hmmm, I don't know. I was doing them up til about an hour ago. I think there were over 100 left when I quit doing them.
  3. foxworthy

    foxworthy User

    nah they got killed, didn't expect them to go that fast on a friday evening. They just died and my turkalert says they were up for ~6 1/2 hours
  4. myopia

    myopia User

    I've only done the occasional HIT for him, how do you deal with the time requirement? Yeah, I know, I can MAKE it take 2 minutes or whatever the number is, but unless you have some other quick thing to do while you wait it has never seemed very good.
  5. myopia

    myopia User

    I gave up on CR. I was never very fast at them and the pages are just... awful. I did two earlier (out of about 10 I skipped through) and decided not to waste my time with it again. Too painful.
  6. PhilGil

    PhilGil User

    Can you queue them up? That's typically what people do when they need to "cook" HITS. Once they're loaded into your queue Turk will automatically feed them to you oldest-first.
  7. foxworthy

    foxworthy User


    I usually make ~20 cents a minute and they give good bonuses when you do good work. But yea, very painful. Only so many ways you can describe a shitty article
  8. myopia

    myopia User

    I've never known how well that really works. I mean it makes the time reported by mturk look good, but whatever server is producing the content for the frame surely still knows when I actually opened up the HIT and submitted it... and can tell if the times for two HITs overlap. :)

    Depends on how it is programmed I guess.
  9. See the thing I don't get is mostly everyone on here state that they want to make more than minimum wage. John Smith is nothing like that.

    If you wait the 7 minutes like he says you must do in his .70 hits, your hourly wage is only $6

    The .15 cent hits is only an hourly wage of $4.50

    The thing is, he thinks that waiting that time will ensure better quality. What it does is makes his hits just shy of unbearable to me. The app annotation hits can be completed successfully and with quality work in a minute or less a hit. Instead, I have to complete the hit, wait around for an additional minute or so and then hit submit. It's frustrating.

    If hard blocks and rejects are a thing because you don't follow his time limit, then to me it is almost not worth it. I only do them when there is no other bigger money to be had.
  10. PhilGil

    PhilGil User

    I suppose it could be coded that way. I haven't heard of a requester using anything but the elapsed time between HIT acceptance and HIT submission, though.
  11. IAmSpock

    IAmSpock User

    Im just going to go out on a limb here but trying to mturk for a living sucks...
  12. myopia

    myopia User

    Title: Read short essays and make ratings.
    Requester: Jocelyn Shu [A1FDKJN6W8BWY8] (TO)
    TO Ratings:
    0.00 Communicativity
    2.00 Generosity
    5.00 Fairness
    5.00 Promptness
    Number of Reviews: 3
    (Submit a new TO rating for this requester)

    Description: Read short essays written by others and make ratings.
    Time: 2 hours
    Hits Available: 1
    Reward: $4.00
    Qualifications: Study Completion has not been granted, Total approved HITs is greater than 0, HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 95, Location is US, Adult Content Qualification is 1

    This was nowhere near as bad as I expected if you are bored. Time mostly depends on your reading speed.
  13. bobbie01

    bobbie01 User

    Inside the hit, there is a timer or each page which shows the requester how much time we spend on each page.
  14. foxworthy

    foxworthy User

    Stick with it, it sucks at first. But seriously, quals are very important. Can't stress it enough, if you see one up, suck it up and do it even if it looks boring. I remember when I first started I didn't care for ocmp because they looked too complicated. Now, I've seen enough people make bank (off certain quals, not all of them) to reassess my stance. Point being, don't be afraid to branch out and do work you aren't comfortable with and ABQ!!
  15. From what I hear, Masters is still viable.

    The dream is mostly dead, though.
  16. Some nights it sucks so bad that I feel this is me, reading through the scraper.

  17. IAmSpock

    IAmSpock User

    I always have hitscraper set to show things im not qualified for then I will request whatever qualifications necessary (if that is what you mean), although I have noticed when I request a qualification and I dont get it immediately it usually takes a good amount of time before it goes through. I will definitely start doing things that are more out of my comfort zone though.
  18. All of this talk of quals got me thinking...

    What if someone went down the list of quals from start to finish and requested them all?

    I wonder what percentage would be approved...
  19. nic

    nic User

    I don't think I've ever gotten a qual that I requested that wasn't either auto qual or a test. I'm still waiting on the masters one I requested though, it should come any day.
  20. IAmSpock

    IAmSpock User

    Why do you say the dream is dead?

    I thought about doing that when I started turking until I saw that some qualification tests cant be retaken. lol
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