How Much Are You Gonna Make Today??

Discussion in 'Statistics' started by Playa_hamm420, May 4, 2012.

  1. What game???

    Just rented Dragons Dogma been on it part of the day... Its a rental.. not really worth the 7 days but imma play it non the less..
  2. iceblink

    iceblink User

    i'm halfway through the witcher 2.. might get dragons dogma after i'm done with this as i can only play one rpg at once lol what's it like?
  3. Its similar to Dragons age in the style of 3rd person i dunno its kinda hard to explaine i guess lol

    Its not a GREAT game.. a little too easy really but its something to pass the time thats for sure.
  4. Shamrocken

    Shamrocken Member

    I'm pretty new at this and just started a couple days ago. Do you get better hits as you progress through the simpler ones, or is it mostly just luck?
  5. Lana

    Lana User

    Tomorrow will mark my first month on mturk, and it does take some time to get a feel for things -- which HITs are worth the time, which requesters you like working for, which ones to avoid, etc. I started out with a lot of Oscar Smith HITs, and I still do some when I'm bored (he approves and pays quick!), I do random surveys, but I mostly try to do Imfuna, Redwood, Catalog Choice and Jon Brelig if they're available.

    I had a good couple of days doing some of NetMSi's penny hits, Real Estate Research, Andy K, and (thankfully) Wildfire Interactive.

    I think a few of them require you to have 1,000 approved HITs before you can work on 'em, and it doesn't hurt to go through and look at 'All Hits' and check out the qualifications. If you can get a few qualifications, you open up s'more jobs. :) But I'm still new at this, and I'm sure there's tons more great advice others can give you!
  6. Shamrocken

    Shamrocken Member

    Thanks, I appreciate the reply. So far I've mostly just done Google searches and surveys. But the drawbacks are that the surveys are usually just a one time thing and the searches aren't all that worth it. What I really want to do though is write some articles but I'm not qualified. I have messaged some of the people who I want to write for and they haven't responded yet. Do you know if there's any trick to getting this kind of qualification?
  7. chimbooze

    chimbooze Member

    I've been doing Mturk for 20 days now, and my strategy has been quality over quantity. Usually I just set my filter to 0.50 and do the surveys. If the survey takes more than 20 minutes then I generally avoid it, unless the survey pool has dried up. Then I go for the SpeechInk Transcription, which can pay 1.00 for 15 minutes of work. Usually I reserve doing transcription jobs for night time and do surveys in the day time because those run out pretty fast after they're put up.

    For the past 3 days, though, I've been doing bulk hits like NetMSI and Wildfire Interactive which nets me 0.08 and 0.05 per hit, respectively. This strategy is more lucrative in money making, as theoretically there is no HIT limit and I can do upwards to 240 HITs per hour, which amount to $19.2 per hour if I'm doing NetMSI. Of course, these I consider more mentally taxing than transcription because you're staring at a computer screen doing mindless work that fries your brain cells. I can only do 1 or 2 hours of these a day if they're up.
  8. chaos

    chaos User

    That just means you're not desperate enough. :p
  9. DK713

    DK713 Active Member

    Today's Projected Earnings $0.74

    I decided to hang out with the neighbours after regular work today.

    RE: NetMSI - I totally fried my brain on the 60 and 90 character HITs yesterday. It was worth it, money-wise, though!
  10. Lana

    Lana User

    I've done a few of the 90+ character NetMSi hits and ... can't do them with a straight face. Ha! The penny hits were okay, where you look for a watermark on the images, I did plenty of those ... but I really hit a wall trying to come up with some interesting titles. I can't take it seriously enough, I turn into a 13 year old and start laughing. :p
  11. chimbooze

    chimbooze Member

    There's a certain limit to how much I can refer to a woman in an obscene manner before I start feeling bad about myself.
  12. DK713

    DK713 Active Member

    Ha yeah, true. After the first three, I just started writing the silliest (while still dirty) things I could think of. I found a website with a bunch of funny euphamisms for various things, and made good use of it. What can I say? The HIT instructions encouraged creativity.

    (Daily Earnings update - I rewrote some sentences - I'm up to $1.25 - woo!)
  13. aswathy

    aswathy Banned

    Today's Projected Earnings $27.32
  14. Hey aswathy whch HIts did u work on mostly to get that projected earning ?
  15. Today's Projected Earnings $29.54.
  16. hello,

    can any one send me the link that will add the "todays earnings" in my dashboard?

  17. If yo scroll 2-3 sections down in the main forum you will find the section called SCRIPTs...

    You will find inside this section lots of other scripts..including this one...
  18. wow, thanks a lot Its working........
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 6, 2012
  19. chaos

    chaos User

    Not a great day of turking for me. Worked my actual job from 10-8. I've spent the past hour churning out some of the porn hits to get my total up to $5. Will be lucky to reach $10 by the time the night is over though.
  20. fnrhcp

    fnrhcp Member

    Today's Projected Earnings $10.10

    plus a $.90 bonus

    Working to get my total up to a 1000 hits, I hit 500 about 2 days ago and thanks to this forum I was able to do lots of fast hits which has really pumped up my number of hits.

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