How Much Are You Gonna Make Today??

Discussion in 'Statistics' started by Playa_hamm420, May 4, 2012.

  1. iceblink

    iceblink User

    It's Monday so I try to get minimum $20.. Tues/Weds/Thurs/Fri i'll aim for $30.. Sat/Sun i'll go for $10 ;D
  2. Today's Projected Earnings $12.80

    barley done much this morning hada run some errands..
  3. alian1980

    alian1980 User

    Hi, what sort of HITS do you work on? I guess you work more on the transcrption, article writing ones, right? Since these are the highest paying ones - and you need special skill to work on these type of hits. Else, its really difficult to consistently touch $10.

    Please advise and share your experience.

  4. Today's Projected Earnings $43.74

    Today 1142 Hits Submitted
  5. pwt

    pwt User

    Can you list the requesters? It could help me a lot in finding a solution to a problem I'm having. Thanks.
  6. evan3585

    evan3585 User

    $43.74! What hits you doing Playa_hamm420?
  7. The ones that pay! :p I just do whatever hits i can find that are easy.. I dont have any 1 type other then Surveys that i do.. I just do whatever hits come up that are fast and pay decent..

    Sometimes theres catagorize these items for 10 cents. bang out 2-300 of those and theres a few bux. Then theres Verify the url contents for a cpl pennies those take less then 6 seconds each for me.. Boom there went 600+ easy.

    Then theres the odd high paying jobs like 4 6 8$ surveys/tasks that require little effort but an hour or so worth of your time.

    Like i said its just whatever jobs i can find that i can do alot of fast or a little of but get paid the big bux..

    I also spend ALOT of time on the laptop refreshing and searching for hits . They show up and they get hit FAST so you gotta be ontop of your game if you wanna make these kinda #'s

    Oh and last nights final total was 46.50$ Last night :D
  8. iceblink

    iceblink User

    I made around the same yesterday, touched around $45.. I think today's gonna be a good day too ;D Infact i think this whole week is gonna be one of my best ever..

  9. Im only at about 10$ today been kinda slow..
  10. alian1980

    alian1980 User


    what sort of HITS do you work on? I guess you work more on the transcrption, article writing ones, right? Since these are the highest paying ones - and you need special skill to work on these type of hits. Else, its really difficult to consistently touch $10.

    Please advise and share your experience.

  11. iceblink

    iceblink User

    I don't do any special hits and i don't do any transcription.. Just batch hits that are fast and pay well pretty much the same as what Playa said I do all different stuff every day.. it's just a case of finding the batches that are worth spending time on and staying away from the rubbish ones..
  12. Reached my goal think imma take the rest of the night off and relax now.

    Well I relaxed then spoted a few more to do..

    Today's Projected Earnings $29.02
    Last edited by a moderator: May 8, 2012
  13. Jophess

    Jophess Member

    For how long do you guys, specifically iceblink and Playa_hamm420, usually turk for, especially on the days where you're earning $30+?
  14. IndianBossy

    IndianBossy Active Member

    Handsome earnings after one month just spending 2 hours online this morning. Time for office.... Just made 17$...

  15. iceblink

    iceblink User

    Depends on the HITs and the day.. If they're good hits you can do $30 in 2 hours.. If they're not so good it would take about 4 hours work on a normal day
  16. Today's Projected Earnings $17.11

    I predict i shall meet my goal of 20$ by the time i call it a night. :D

    Good day today.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 9, 2012
  17. alian1980

    alian1980 User

    You said that you are from UK, so you pretty much - more or less get access to the same HITS as we Indians. We find it difficult even to touch $15 a day, and you say you can reach $30 in 2 hour. This clearly amazes me.

    Hence, I asked what HITS you do? Can you share the name of the Requesters with us?
  18. Today's Projected Earnings $26.03

    All surveys.. Man im bored.. need some good 5-10 cent hits today but nothing worth doing :(

    Going for 30!
    Last edited by a moderator: May 9, 2012
  19. fallout247

    fallout247 New Member

    man how do earn a lots I only work for CrowndSource but it not work anymore I got a message "no remaining hits" help please :(
  20. Today's Projected Earnings $36.58

    Passed 30.. wunder if i can do 40..

    Calling it a day..
    Last edited by a moderator: May 9, 2012

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