Can't Find Good HITs? 12/28

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by AlexeiRoquentin, Dec 28, 2012.

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  1. lol really? am I actually supposed to answer this or what? "What does an emotional abuser get out of the abuse?"
  2. jenni3kat

    jenni3kat User

    "My four year old son eats his toe nails. It's so gross and he's probably going to get worms. I've no idea how to make him stop since he does it when he thinks I'm not looking."

    I'm skipping this one so someone else can enjoy answering it.......
  3. MikeTurk24

    MikeTurk24 Banned

    how did that 30 dollar follow up survey go?
  4. MikeTurk24

    MikeTurk24 Banned

    Thanks, i got this one lol.
  5. ForTheORB

    ForTheORB User

    I am getting sick of seeing this one: "What are some good safety preventing measuring tips for children?"
  6. bredeanf

    bredeanf User

    Considering answering "Duct tape them to the wall until they're old enough to know better" the next time I see that question

    ...kidding of course
  7. I don't even have kids, but these questions are so dumb... and giving the advice makes me feel like I'd be a great parent. At lease compared to the people making these questions.
  8. Haha funny thing is, I bet it would be approved.
  9. bredeanf

    bredeanf User

    Crowdsource just revoked the assigned me the exact same qual...okay Crowdsource.okay.
  10. tenaciousrei

    tenaciousrei Member

    Just delurking to add this:

    "My kid sleeps whole day and in the midnight wakes up and start crying.I find it do i make him stop to wake up at midnight."

    :| It was hard to come up with an answer that was not "Keep him up during the day, you dumbass".
  11. TwoTet

    TwoTet Member

    Some of these questions aren't even questions.
  12. "Our daughter recently learned from a school classmate that Santa Claus was not really and became very distraught. We do my wife and I do to console her?"

    if you think that is bad, wait till she finds out Jesus is not real.
  13. SininStyle

    SininStyle User

    You guys are over thinking the actual questions. Majority of the people asking the questions are not looking for answers. remember they gave answers to their own question. They simply came up with as many questions as possible to get paid. So with a stupid question they gave the obvious answer for a quick 30 cents. I know because I did like 300 of those useless questions ALL about a teenager lol. and trust me when I tell you after 100 or so you start working the far fetched and stupid questions lol
  14. I don't mind. Its easier for me to answer. Some I actually get really into and those are the ones that take up the most time.

    I'd also like to give a shout out to them for approving so fast :D

    EDIT: Oh and I use MS Word to get my word count. Type it up in there and paste it in the answer box.
  15. er111a

    er111a User

    Strange mine was accepted
  16. SininStyle

    SininStyle User

    I will do this one for you.

    Santa is real, he is a symbol of giving for no other reason then to give. To see the face of a child light up with a smile as they open up their gift knowing the only thing they feel at that very moment is happiness.
  17. i have answered this damn scooter question like 4 times
  18. I got the email and I have to follow up with a time that I can do it.

    Time to install Windows 8 on my VM.....
  19. that is a great thoughtful answer. I just said something about learning santa is not real is just a part of life
  20. The children and their happiness. And the parents that have to hear the screams of THANK YOU SANTA.. when you know damn well that it was your paychecks that provided it all.
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