Can't Find Good HITs? 12/28

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by AlexeiRoquentin, Dec 28, 2012.

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  1. DustinOber

    DustinOber User

    EDIT: Repost
  2. Reboot and it's doing the same thing still. I have no idea what the f is going on but it's pissing me off. I literally can't do anything, i click a hit, signs me out, click to see my dash, signs me out, click to see my account settings, signs me out. i can't figure it out.
  3. paulstead

    paulstead User

    Clear your history and cache and stuff. That should fix it. If you don't know how, download CCleaner.
  4. i have cc cleaner and ran it yesterday
  5. I was about to complain when I saw the 50% payment decrease.... then I see that I don't have to think of the questions myself! SCORE!
  6. Jenn27

    Jenn27 User

    I was wondering where the questions went from yesterday, and these are even better! Guess I'm not going to quit turking just yet today!
  7. paulstead

    paulstead User

    I'm out of ideas then, honestly. If everything's cleared and you rebooted, there's no reason it should be telling you that.
  8. Why. Is there an extra qualification I don't know of or is it this batch?
  9. i'm so frustrated. it's firefox and chrome both, and it's just amazon. everything else is working fine.
  10. phunk

    phunk User

    Same here....and there's like 7500 of them again!!!!
  11. advocation

    advocation User

  12. paulstead

    paulstead User

    Uninstall one (or both of them) and reinstall.
  13. Hercules

    Hercules User

    Nobody can do those hits because the qual is greater than 1000% submission rate, and the highest anyone can get is 100%.

    I'm sure it was just the requester making a mistake, thinking he set it for over 1000 submitted.
  14. sssstaticccc

    sssstaticccc Banned

    Where did the schnieders go?
  15. Riddik78

    Riddik78 User

  16. ForTheORB

    ForTheORB User

    Title: A Short Survey About Legal Decisions
    Requester: LawinSocietyLab [A2KE3GR2MAYRZJ] (TO)
    Description: A Survey About Law In Society
    Reward: $0.50
    Qualifications: Total approved HITs is greater than 500, HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 95, Location is US
    [size=-2]Powered by non-amazonian script monkeys [/size]​

    Took me 13 mins but I'm tired this morning and thus I am reading sooooo slow right now. Good TO
  17. Tongue73

    Tongue73 User

    To those doing the Coman hits where you answer questions, I just got a email from him:

    I sent him:

    I think some of these questions were submitted as a joke. If you can't see this one it was, "My wife and I bought our 5 yr old a dog, but he wont clean up the dogs poo, How do we make him?"

    He replied:

    Thanks for pointing it out to me.
    I tried to filter through all of them, however I've been unable to check over 10.000 questions one by one, so I had to do just some random checks.

    If you encounter such questions please place the answer "WRONG QUESTION"


    So if you come across ridiculous questions like those, you can just put WRONG QUESTION as the answer.
  18. NYturker

    NYturker User

  19. Jenn27

    Jenn27 User

    Thanks! Some of these are terrible questions but I haven't had one like this yet.
  20. beanman25

    beanman25 User

    Will we get rejected easily? I can't come up with great answers for some but don't want to waste my 100 limit with returns.
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