Can't Find Amazing HITs? 12/19 - For the Feels on Friday!

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by nanaki254, Dec 19, 2014.

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  1. Well thanks for being I have it no need to be polite anymore. Be mean. Be very very mean....(too much ProductRnr)....
  2. Title: Answer a short survey about consumer problems 8 mins (11/10/14 -A)
    Requester: georgetownmsbresearch [A1VSOQ6MXD1E1J] (TO)
    TO Ratings:
    4.03 Communicativity
    3.31 Generosity
    4.43 Fairness
    4.48 Promptness
    Number of Reviews: 137
    (Submit a new TO rating for this requester)

    Description: Give us your opinion, short survey
    Time: 4 hours
    Hits Available: 1
    Reward: $0.50
    Qualifications: HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 95, Location is US
  3. Apaullo

    Apaullo Multi Pennyaire

  4. soldan

    soldan #TeamPaidToGetPaid

    Only transcripts I've done was redwood way back when, and ClariTrans.
  5. Bald

    Bald User

    That's my birthday. Lakers will probably still lose, so no sense in trying to head north for the game.
  6. TheMouse

    TheMouse User

    At least they weren't PandA links! :D
  7. The links always work....thats what matters lol.
  8. It seems we have a lot of winter birthdays around here!
  9. I just came across these. All it is, is skimming text for certain phrases. Pretty simple.
  10. Spear

    Spear User

    O, Just wait until you sloppily post a hit from heck with your new found powers. When the people on here find out that was NOT a "Good Hit" they will freak the #$%! out on you and your kin.
    ( I know of this happening to a friend once.)
  11. hotdiggity

    hotdiggity User

    Yeah, I much prefer crowdsurf though.

    Whoops, I got my requesters mixed up. I thought you meant Speechink.
  12. Title: Help Teaching Presentation Skills - How to MAKE A CLARIFICATION (batch 1 of 3)
    Requester: SpeechTranscript [A1LP8TX9G7T7P2] (TO)
    TO Ratings:
    3.76 Communicativity
    3.33 Generosity
    4.04 Fairness
    4.07 Promptness
    Number of Reviews: 84
    (Submit a new TO rating for this requester)

    Description: You will be provided with one extract of a previously transcribed presentation (TED talk). Your goal is to select the portion(s) of the text where the speaker is CLARIFYING. Examples will explain what you should and should not consider as CLARIFYING. In your first HIT, you will be guided through a testing session of 3 small segments to ensure that you understood the examples provided.
    Time: 60 minutes
    Hits Available: 641
    Reward: $0.06
    Qualifications: HIT approval rate (%) is greater than 95
  13. soldan

    soldan #TeamPaidToGetPaid

    They also have transcription hits hidden behind a qual wall.

    I screwed up their qual test. :(
  14. Spear

    Spear User

    I am January 2. When everyone is still broke from Christmas and hungover from New Year.
  15. You know though, a crappy hit for one person, may be up another's alley.
  16. hotdiggity

    hotdiggity User

    I've made the most money out of them.

    What was their qual test? I don't even remember.

    I did a qual today for a new transcript requester, which vaguely reminded me of it I think.

    Even their rules are the same.
  17. Spear

    Spear User

    IDK... I seen some pretty bad paying surveys of bubble hell days that had a good TO.
  18. soldan

    soldan #TeamPaidToGetPaid

    It was on their guidelines, I missed one I shouldn't have, misclicked because I was exhausted when I took it. I keep meaning to contact them and see if they'll let me retest.
  19. twirdman

    twirdman User

    lol. With all the productRnR and NetMsi I've done I'm just somewhat surprised I can watch porn without curling in the fetal position and crying.
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