Can't Find Great HITs? 12/12

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by ChrisM77, Dec 12, 2012.

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  1. i was investigating another dude for my day job :) lol.. they really had a hit up for that?? damn thats me all day!! I miss u sasquatch!
  2. sasquatch

    sasquatch User

    same here! but it's better that you have your fancy job and all :p
    as long as, you know, you're wearing the sherlock holmes hat...
  3. Nikki

    Nikki TOTM

  4. l1n7

    l1n7 User

    haha why do you keep putting the top tier qual test off (i hope it's not because you think you wont get it)! i thought you did that already. hey those zombies can wait!!!! :p
  5. pcereola

    pcereola User

  6. emerefer

    emerefer User

    I could only do two of these. Is this because my sentences werent good, or is that just how it is?

    Nevermind just saw an earlier post
  7. mikey

    mikey User

    I have to agree with you for the most part. Too many horrible days turking for me to believe otherwise. I am 100% sure the people throwing around big numbers have quals that are no longer available to others. Other than putting in a lot of hours, like just doing nothing but turking all day, there is no way it could compete with a minimum wage job ($8 in my state.) There have been a lot good batch hits the past couple weeks that have jaded people and left a false impression. Hopefully we will keep getting them but there is no guarantee that will happen. I started Turking in early September and this forum has changed drastically since then. Some people have short term memory problems or something because just a few months ago people in this thread were scrapping to make $20 a day back then. The caveat as always is writers, transcribers, and people with the right quals have always manage to scrape out more than the average turker.
  8. zartonis

    zartonis User

    Yeah, that last captcha was completely impossible for a mere mortal to guess without simply going through the entire alphabet.
  9. riddeck

    riddeck User

    While I'm on here I just wanted to say thanks to all of the people that post in this thread every day. I used to visit HWTF all the time, now I rarely ever do because they can't compete with the volume of HITs posted on this site. Hope you guys check out the Google Rater work. It's not as easy as the HITs we do on Mturk, but it will drastically increase your daily earnings and give you the opportunity to work solely on the HITs that pay well while skipping the $2-$3/hr bulk of the work.

    Today was a slow day, normally I'm doing 20 things at once and don't have time to post. I probably won't be back on for a couple months, I'll see you guys then if you're still around. Best of luck!
  10. Cowfin

    Cowfin Community Manager Staff Member

    Those people are now the ones making the good money. Personally, the "turnover" of the forum mentioned earlier is irrelevant, because although that may account for some of it, the other part is the fear of change. I have found my own ways to make $100/day, and in September, I was making around $10. Granted, I am turking more than I was before, but not ten times more. I do make money from exclusive qualifications, but there are HITs I do, that almost anyone can do. The best thing anyone can do to make the most on mTurk is to keep turking. Remember that if there were exclusive quals before, there are going to be exclusive quals again.
  11. pcereola

    pcereola User

    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 12, 2012
  12. JenniLeigh

    JenniLeigh User

    Yeah, I think we all just got two. =-)
  13. soyb7

    soyb7 User

  14. HappyFish

    HappyFish User

    Well said.
  15. JenniLeigh

    JenniLeigh User

    Doh! Even though I've been in here off and on, looking for HITs and chatting...I've been so busy around the house I've only actually done les than a dollar in HITs today! I'd better get my ass going when these rugrats are in bed! =-D
  16. HappyFish

    HappyFish User

    omg there's praveen hits!?!??!
  17. bredeanf

    bredeanf User

    yeah Praveen is back!
    I haven't been doing them due to laziness but he's back for a while
  18. TotalBabe

    TotalBabe Verified Leader

    For $0.60 - says it'll take 5-10 mins. - I'll update on time when I'm done - also has a listing of ID's so you can be certain you haven't done it before -

    5-10 minute Survey
    Requester: Elizabeth Vanderplaat

    EDIT: Oh, well, apparently, I'm not qualified, but hopefully somebody can do it!
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 12, 2012
  19. HappyFish

    HappyFish User

    I don't see how I managed to miss that over the last 27 pages.

    Edit: I just sent him a welcome back message :)
  20. zartonis

    zartonis User

    I just signed up for this through Leapforce after seeing your last post. All I have left to do is take the test this Friday through the next Friday (5-8 hours), which is supposed to be difficult according to Leapforce, but I'm always looking for extra income avenues. Thanks for the advice, man, and good luck to you as well.
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